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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> • Project Methodology. Present a recommended work plan for each of the components outlined in the <br /> <br /> section titled "Scope of Work". Include a comprehensive description of how and by whom each <br /> component will be handled. Provide a specific description of the City's responsibility and the <br /> <br /> consultant's. Should any subcontractors be used, please identify their individual responsibility. <br /> Identify a specific project manager and any potential conflicts of interest relative to the City of Santa <br /> <br /> Ana and any individual or firm involved in the project. <br /> <br /> <br /> • Schedule. Specify a schedule that outlines the expected timelines for completion of each project <br /> component. All work to be completed no later than October 15, 2012. <br /> <br /> <br /> • Cost. Identify the total cost of the project, with a "not-to-exceed" breakdown by task. The cost for <br /> <br /> the complete baseline GHG inventory and the Climate Action Plan for energy efficiency and <br /> conservation is to be detailed separately. The Climate Action Plan components for Transportation <br /> <br /> and Land Use, Planning/Building Standards, Water, and Waste, are to be detailed separately as these <br /> will be direct costs to the City. See Attachment 1. Cost Proposal. <br /> <br /> <br /> • References. Please list present and former clients for whom similar services have been rendered. <br /> Include the agency's name, the mailing address, and telephone number of the appropriate contact <br /> <br /> person. Include a brief description of the type of service performed, and the status of the project. <br /> <br /> • Inquiries/Clarifications. No oral clarifications will be made to any firm or individual regarding the <br /> <br /> meaning of the scope of services or any other contract documents. Every request for such an <br /> interpretation must be sent in writing via email to Christy Kindig at cki .'i- , and shall <br /> <br /> be received by the City not less than three (3) calendar days prior to the date set for opening of <br /> proposals. Significant interpretations or clarifications will be made by an addendum to the contract <br /> <br /> documents, which will be sent as promptly as is practicable to all persons who have provided proper <br /> notice of their intent to respond. (Refer to V. Submittal of Proposal). Such addendums may become <br /> <br /> part of the contract documents. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Page 12 of 15 <br /> <br /> 19E-14 <br />