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available infrastructure data provided by City staff (e.g., traffic speeds, curb -to -curb <br />widths, etc.), and will take into account issues such as grades, directness of route, <br />barriers, and system connectivity. This network will include a variety of bikeways, <br />sidewalk improvement projects, and other bicycle /pedestrian capital improvement <br />projects (e.g., traffic calming, bicycle parking, etc.). The network will also incorporate <br />previously proposed and planned facilities. <br />The consultant team will develop a "Best Practices — 4 EV report identifying potential <br />changes to improve bicycle and pedestrian education, encouragement, enforcement, <br />evaluation, and public outreach efforts. These recommendations will be based both <br />on results of the previous tasks that identified problem areas plus experience gained <br />in other communities. <br />Recommendations and priority projects will be compiled into an Implementation Plan <br />based on the evaluation outcome combined with (a) funding availability and <br />requirements, (b) other programmed transportation improvements, (c) eliminating an <br />immediate bottleneck or safety hazard, and (d) ensuring that the system grows <br />rationally rather than as a series of disconnected pieces over time. The 1BI team will <br />identify potential matching and major funding sources for these projects, and their <br />associated criteria and requirements. Costs of the phased improvements will be <br />compared with funding needs, so that long term programming for local matching funds <br />can be accomplished. <br />The Santa Ana Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will include the review of existing <br />plans and legislation, existing conditions inventory and assessment, user needs <br />assessment, recommended walkway and bikeway network, project development and <br />prioritization, cost opinions, and implementation plan. <br />TASK 6: TRANSIT AND RAIL SERVICES <br />Objective: To incorporate planned rail and transit improvements, including the <br />Fixed Guideway, bus rapid transit, railroad quiet zones, and grade separation <br />projects into the Circulation Element and appropriately account for the benefits and <br />impacts of these projects on the mobility of residents within the city. <br />Key Issues: There are several related transit project planning and design efforts <br />underway within Santa Ana that together would dramatically increase travel choices and <br />W "'W:� <br />