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The following technical studies will also be completed: <br />Traffic <br />• Air Quality /GHG <br />• Noise <br />• Cultural Resources <br />Hydrology, Water and Sewer Systems, and Utilities <br />The air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis will evaluate potential <br />citywide emission reductions from implementation of policies and circulation <br />improvements. The analysis will be based on an estimate of future VMT provided by <br />the traffic analysis with and without the proposed project and compared to existing <br />condition. Since it is anticipated that air quality and GHG emissions will benefit by the <br />implementation of the City's updated Circulation Element, no significant long -term <br />impacts are anticipated. The noise analysis will address changes in the ambient <br />noise from existing conditions and at the horizon year with and without <br />implementation of the updated Circulation Element. Increases in traffic noise levels <br />will be modeled using the FHA Highway Prediction Noise Model. Because <br />implementation of the project would not generate trips, no significant impacts are <br />anticipated. <br />This proposal assumes that tribal consultations for the General Plan update in <br />accordance with SB 18 will be conducted by the City. All CEQA notices will be <br />forwarded to the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and The Planning <br />Center will assist with the consultation on a time and materials basis if requested by <br />the City. <br />TASK 9: PREPARE UPDATED CIRCULATION <br />ELEMENT <br />Objective: To prepare an updated Circulation Element ready to be integrated into <br />the General Plan, with policies, goals, and objectives that reflect the requirements of <br />the Complete Streets Act and the ideas and projects identified in the circulation, <br />transit, bicycle and pedestrian planning efforts completed in this project. <br />Key Issues: The final Circulation Element must appropriately reflect the technical <br />work efforts, planning process, community outreach efforts, and policy development <br />12 <br />25A -22 <br />