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- A concerned - citizen_ stated -he_ was-currently _ attending _scho_ol. try -ing_to_ achieve. his -goals- and_feets_thathejs___ <br />- - -- .,:.....c... - <br />community also asked where does the Police Department post the DUI check point announcements? <br />Deputy Chief Rojas stated that a press release is sent out. Ms. Martinez stated that people do not need to <br />stop at check points. <br />Mr. Hernandez is dealing with the symptoms of Immigration reform. Mr. Munoz said it is an interesting <br />issue. Mr. Espinoza thanked committee for listening and that his family has been affected. Maria Munoz <br />said her son lost his job because his car was towed. Oroza Arosas would like policy clarified. Deputy Chief <br />Rojas stated the police department has a written document but wants to create a more comprehensive <br />policy for the officers. Committee member Claudia Alvarez stated the committee with be working with the <br />Police Department on the new policy. <br />6. DOWNTOWN DANCE ORDINANCE <br />Commander Gominsky reviewed the dance ordinance. Committee member David Benavides asked for an <br />explanation of the Public Dance Hall vs. Public Dance Place. Commander Gominsky explained that the <br />Dance hall is open to the general public, pay for admittance, and music must be played for dancing. A <br />Dance Place is operated to for the public, music provided and is no fee to attend. Private dances are <br />excluded from Chapter 11, and no dance permit is necessary for a private dance. Commander Gominsky <br />explained no music will be played outside any premises or may be audible beyond the area under their <br />control. The proposed ordinance states a security guard will be employed for every 100 persons. <br />Committee member David Benavides asked if a nightclub will be will be for 21 years and over. Chief <br />Walters stated "yes ". Nightclubs shall be for patrons over the age of 21 years. Committee member Claudia <br />Alvarez questioned the ratio of ID's that can't be scanned. Commander Gominsky said there has not been a <br />problem based on experience. She also question if there is going to be training. Commander said "yes ". <br />Chief Walters stated they will also be trained on how to detect false identifications. <br />A citizen asked if 18 year old patrons can go inside venue. Commander Gominsky stated a Nightclub is <br />open to patrons over the age of 21 years, for entertainment primarily during the evening hours wherein liquor <br />and food may be served providing an area for public dancing. At concert venues, mixed adults and juveniles <br />are allowed in the same venues until 10 p.m. After 10:00 pm the venue would be restricted to 18 years and <br />older, unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or adult guardian or person in charge of said minor. <br />Committee member David Benavides asked about kids being alone. Commander Gominsky said it is like El <br />Torito. Committee member Claudia Alvarez asked about how they will know if a child is with a parent. <br />Commander Gominsky stated it will be the business's responsibility. <br />Commander Gominsky reviewed the cost recovery fee for police service and Committee member Claudia <br />Alvarez asked about businesses abusing the fee. Interim City Attorney Joe Straka said that we can change <br />the ordinance if necessary. Chief Walters stated he does not want any changes to Chapter 41. <br />Commander Gominsky asked the Committee to accept recommendations and move forward to altering the <br />current dance permit. Committee Alvarez wants sunset clause for safety reasons. Councilmember David <br />Benavides asked who would be paying for all the security at concert venues. Commander Gominsky stated <br />the owners will pay for their own security. <br />Committee member Claudia Alvarez stated she was concerned about YOST /KOO's past history and the all <br />age venues. Chief Walters stated that he knows the past history and asked Commander Gominsky to <br />review past issues. Committee member Claudia Alvarez stated even though businesses are responsible <br />and hears positive comments, a homicide occurred. Committee member David Benavides asked what the <br />difference would be now with Koos. Commander Gominsky stated they were not good neighbors but he <br />does see a difference now with the amount of investment that has been made. Chief Walters stated that <br />there were reservations at the beginning also. We don't have the hard data but we did go forward with <br />abatement but Koos went out of business before the abatement went into effect. Committee member <br />Claudia Alvarez stated it is the City's responsibility to keep City safe. Committee member David Benavides <br />stated what about regulations we have in place now. Commander Gominsky stated we didn't have any <br />regulations for Koos in the past which makes a difference now. They also had no security guards. <br />Committee member David Benavides stated he thinks we have more control with Koos now that we have <br />the new ordinance and asked what type of regulations we will have when there is a problem. Commander <br />Gominsky stated the Police department can pull the Dance permit at any time. We can also deny a concert <br />if it looks like there would be a problem. PCSS McCoy stated that we can investigate what type of concert <br />that is going to take place and decide how much security is needed. <br />13A -3 <br />