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The SBWIB, Inc. shall have the authority to examine the books and records used by the <br />Contractor in accounting for expenses incurred under this Agreement. Should these books and <br />records not meet the minimum standards of the accepted accounting practices of the SBWIB, Inc., <br />the SBWIB, Inc. reserves the right to withhold any or all of its funding to the Contractor until <br />minimum standards are met. <br />The SBWIB, Inc. may require the Contractor to use any or all of the SBWIB, Inc.'s <br />accounting or administrative procedures used in planning, controlling, monitoring, and reporting of <br />all fiscal matters relating to this Agreement. <br />The SBWIB, Inc. reserves the right to dispatch auditors of its choosing to any site where any <br />phase of the program is being conducted, controlled, or advanced in any way, tangible or intangible. <br />Such sites may include the home office, any branch office, or other locations of the Contractor if <br />such sites, or the activities performed thereon, have any relationship to the program covered by this <br />Agreement. <br />When fiscal or special audit determines that the Contractor has expended funds which are <br />questioned under the criteria set forth herein, the Contractor shall be notified and given the <br />opportunity to justify questioned expenditures prior to the SBWIB, Inc.'s final determination of the <br />disallowed costs, in accordance with the procedures established under WIA. <br />XXI --- CERTIFICATION <br />1. Debarment and Suspension Certification: By signing this Agreement, Contractor <br />hereby certifies under penalty of perjury under laws of the State of California the Contractor will <br />comply with regulation implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 29 CFR, <br />Part 98, Section 98.510, that the prospective participant, to the best of its knowledge and <br />belief, that it and its principals: <br />Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared <br />ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transitions by any federal department of agency; <br />20 <br />all <br />