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EXHIBIT J <br />Default and Acceleration. <br />All covenants, conditions and agreements contained in the Deed of Trust are <br />hereby made a part of this Note. The Borrower agrees that the unpaid balance of the then <br />principal amount of this Note, together with all accrued interest thereon and charges <br />owing, shall, at the option of the Lender or, if so provided in this Note and Deed of Trust <br />executed by the Borrower, shall automatically, become immediately due and payable, and <br />thereafter until paid bear interest at the rate of 3 % per annum, upon the failure of the <br />Borrower to make any payment hereunder as and when due; upon the failure of the <br />Borrower to perform or observe any other term or provision of this Note, or upon the <br />occurrence of any event (whether termed default, event of default or similar term) which <br />under the terms of the Deed of Trust, shall entitle the Lender to exercise rights or <br />remedies thereunder. <br />6. Security for Note. <br />This Promissory Note is secured by the Deed of Trust of even date herewith <br />executed by Borrower as Trustor in favor of Lender as Beneficiary encumbering the <br />Property described therein (Exhibit A to the Deed of Trust). <br />7. Prepayment of Note Amount. <br />Borrower may prepay to Lender the full Note Amount, at any time prior to the <br />due date of the Note Amount without penalty. The affordability covenants related to the <br />Property, as set forth in the Deed of Trust shall remain in effect against the Property for <br />forty-five (45) years from date of recordation, unless Borrower sells the Property and <br />repays the City the loan amount, plus interest, from said sale. <br />8. Agreement. <br />This Promissory Note is made and delivered pursuant to and in implementation of <br />the Deed of Trust signed by the Borrower dated as of the same date as this document, a <br />copy of which is on file as a public record with the Lender and is incorporated herein by <br />reference. The Borrower acknowledges that but for the execution of this Promissory <br />Note, the Lender would not make the loan contemplated therein. . <br />9. Lender May Assign. <br />Lender may, at its option, assign its right to receive payment under this <br />Promissory Note without necessity of obtaining the consent of the Borrower. <br />10. Borrower Assignment Prohibited. <br />In no event shall Borrower assign or transfer any portion of this Agreement <br />without the prior express written consent of the Lender, which consent may be given or <br />withheld in the Lender's sole discretion. Likewise, no assumption of the Loan shall be