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- � - -- <br />. 56- 146968 -A <br />..IMPORTANT:. THIS ENDORSEMENT CONTAINS DUTIES THAT APPLY TO THE <br />' ADD T10NAL INSURED IN THE EVENT OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLAlM OR SUIT. <br />SEE PARAGRAPH C., OF THIS ENDORSEMENT FOR. THESE DUTIES_ <br />TH1S ENDORSEMENT C1- iANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ 1T CAREFUL_ LY_ <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEIIAE!NT <br />WITH PRODUCTS - COMPLETES OPERATIONS COVERAGE <br />BLANKET WAIVER OF SUBRQGATION <br />Acchtects; Engineers. and. Surveyors <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: <br />BUSINESSOWNERS LIABLLITY CO\/ERAGE FORIVL, <br />BUSIiVESSOWNEFi;S COMMpN POLICY CON41T1ONS <br />A. WHO IS AN �INSIJRE� (Section C) of the <br />Businessowners " Liability CgVerage Form fs <br />amended to include as an insured any person or <br />organization whom you arse' required to add as an <br />additional• insured on tHls policy under a written <br />contract or written agreement; but the written <br />contract orwr•itten •agreement• must be: <br />1 _ Currently in effect or becoming effective during <br />the term. of this policy; and <br />2_ Ezecutad prior tiv the ' "bodily. injury,° "property <br />damage, "' yr "personal arld adveriisirtg injury:" <br />B. Th @'insurance. provided to file additional insured is <br />limited as follows:: <br />1_ That person or organization is an additional <br />insured solely for liability clue to your negligence <br />speclfk:ally resulting from "your work" for the <br />additional insured which is tfle subject of the <br />written contract or written agreement. No <br />coverage applies to liability resulting from the <br />sole negligence of the additional irtsurecl: <br />2. The Limits of Insurance applicable to tare <br />additional insured are those specified in the <br />written. contract or written agreement or in the <br />Declarations of this policy, whichever is less. <br />These Limits of Insurance are inclusive of, and <br />not in addition to, the Limits of Insurance shown <br />in the Declarations. <br />3, The coverage provided to the additional insured <br />within this endorsement and section titled <br />LIABILITY AND MEDICAL EXPENSE <br />DEFINITIONS - "Insured Corrtract" {Section <br />F.9.) within the Businessowners Liability <br />Coverage Form, does not apply fo "bodily injury" <br />or "property damage° arising out of the <br />"products- completed operations hazard" unless <br />required by the written contract. or written <br />agreement_ <br />SB- '146968 -A <br />4. The insurance provided to tlte; additipnal insured <br />does poY apply to "bodily 'injury," "'Property <br />damage;^ "personal and advertising- injury" <br />arising out of an aichitecCs, engineer's, or <br />surveyor's rendering of or failure to render any <br />professional services includingz` <br />a. The preparing,. approving, or fading to <br />prepare or approve maps, shop drawings, <br />opinions, reports.,. surveys.; field orders, <br />change orders or e)rawings and <br />specifications by arty architect, erigineer or <br />surveyor performing services on a project of <br />which you serve' as construction manager; <br />or <br />b_ Inspection, supervision, quafty contrail, <br />engineering or architectural services done <br />by ,you or# a project of which you serve as <br />construction manager;. <br />5_ This insurance does not- apply to "bodily injury. ;" <br />"property damage," or dpersonal and advertlstng <br />injury" arlstng out oY_ <br />a The construction or demolition work while <br />you are acting as a construction or <br />demolition contractor. This exclusion does <br />not apply to work done for or by you at your <br />premises. <br />C. BtJSIT1E5SOVYNERS GENERAL LIABILITY <br />CONDIT10N3 - Duties In TNe Event of <br />Occurrence, Offense, CFalm or Suit ( Section E.2.) <br />of the Businessowners Liability Coverage Form is <br />amended to add the following= <br />An additional insured under this endorsement will as <br />soon as practicable: <br />1. Give written notice of an occurrence or an <br />offense to us which may result in a claim or <br />"suit" under this insurance; <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />