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r <br />CITY OR SANTA ANA PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ANNUAL WEED AND DEBRIS REMOVAL SERVICES <br />Certliication <br />I certify that I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal. I <br />have examined the Scope of Services (Exhibit A) and am familiar with the scope of work and locations. I am <br />familiar with all the existing conditions and limitation that may. Impact work requests. I understand and agree <br />that I am responsible for reporting any errors, omissions or discrepancies to the City for clarification prior to the <br />submission of my proposal. <br />Bid Item Price <br />Pricing shall be based on the items listed below. Fee must be Inclusive of all casts, including but not limited to, <br />direct and indirect costs for labor, overhead, incidental supplies, travel, mlleage, and fuel. Any special <br />materials will be purchased by the Contractor only after discussed and authorized by the City Projects <br />Manager or designee In writing. The City has the option to purchase and provide materials. Special <br />material will be purchased and/or by the City or the City will reimburse the Contractor after authorization by <br />city, <br />Naranjo Landscape, Inc. <br />LEGAL NAME OF COMPANY <br />29255 ModJeska Cyn, Rd., Silverado CA 92676 <br />BUSINESS ADDRE=SS <br />Andrew Naranjo <br />PRINTED NAME OF AUTHORIZED AGENT <br />SIGNATURE F HORIZED AGENT <br />714.876.7674, N/A <br />PHONE AND FAX NUMBER <br />Vice President: <br />TITLE <br />9/6/11 <br />DATE <br />20-0492954 <br />FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR TAX ID (IF APPICABLE) EMAIL ADDRESS <br />C27: 935471 <br />CONTRACTOR LICENSE NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) <br />0 <br />City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency <br />Request for Proposals for Annual Weed and Debris Removal <br />16 of 24 <br />EXHIBIT a <br />25C-17