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<br />PROlECT086028 FAIRVIEW TRIANCLEHABITATRESTORATION <br /> <br />CITY OF SANTA 'MA <br />CERTIFICATION OF NONDISCRIMINATION BY CONTRACTOR <br />The undersigned connector or corporate officer, during the performance of this conimct, cetliPies as <br />follows <br />PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT <br />I, The ConnnGOrshall no[discriminate agains[MY employee or applicant for employment because <br />of race, color, religion, sins, or national origin The Contractor shall take aflirmative action to ensure <br />that applicants aieemployed, 'and that employees are treated during employment whhoul, regard to their <br />race, color, religion, sea, or national origin. Such action shots iclude, but not be limited to, the <br />or lerminalion, rases of pay or other forms of cempensalioo; and selection for (raining, including <br />apprenticeship, The Contractor agrees to pass in conspicuous places, available to employees and <br />chose, <br />following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfu;recmi[men[or rcemitmen[advatistog;layoff <br />2. The ConlraGOr shall, In all solici[alions oradvetlisements for employees placed by or nn behalf <br />of the Connador, state [hat all goalifled applicants will receive consideration for am In ment wit <br />regard to race, robr, religion, s2z, ornational origin <br />3. TheComraeiorshalls?ndtoceehlaboruoionorreprebemaiiveofworkerswithwhiehhelshehas <br />a mlleGive bargaining agreemem or other contruc[ or understanding, a police to be provided advising <br />the said labor union or workers' represrntalives of the Conti°actor s rommitmcn[s under Ihis section, and <br />shall post copirs o[ the notice in censpicuous places available to uuployces and appllrams for <br />employment, <br />4. The Comractor shall comply wi[h all provisions of Esuutive Order 11246 of September 7A, <br />1965, and of ihcroles, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of tabor. <br />S. The Contrac[orshall famish all information and repods required by Esceullve0rda 112460[ <br />September 24, 1945,'and by roles, regulations, and older o[ the Secretary of Labor, or putsuantlberem, <br />and will permit acecss to hislher books, records, and aceounts by (he administering agency and the <br />Seaerory of Labor for purposes of investigation, to ascertain compliance wish such roles, regulations, <br />and orders. <br />applicants for employment, polices to he provided setting forth the provisions of (his nondiscrimination <br />6, In the event of the Conlrador's noo-compliance wish [he noadtscriminalion elapses o[ [his <br />contract or with any of [hc said rules, regulations, or orders, the contract may becanceed, ierminmed, or <br />suspended In whole or in pan and the Q7nIfaG01' may he dcelered ineligible for further Government <br />rontracLS or ftdcrally assisted consimuion contrasts in accordance with procedores awhoriaed 'm <br />Eauotioo Order 1121fi of September 24,1965, and such other sanctions may be imposmtl and remedies <br />invoked as provided in Esaudve Order I f7A6 of Sep[ember24,1965, or by role, regulations, or ordmof the Surelaryof labor, or as othcewisz provided by taw. <br />TO B6INCLIIDFU IN BID PACKAGE. <br />EP1of31