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. 5. Will the proposed use adversely affect the General Plan or any <br />specific plan of the City? <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br />Goal 1 of the Land Use Element encourages uses that <br />promote a balance of land uses that address basic community <br />needs. Goal 2 encourages uses that enhance the City's <br />economic and fiscal viability. Goal 5 ensures that the impacts <br />of development are mitigated. <br />E. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program, Environmental <br />Review No. 2009-86, has been prepared for this project. The Planning <br />Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in <br />the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program, <br />Environmental Review No. 2009-86, prepared with respect to this project, <br />and has determined that the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation <br />Monitoring Program adequately addresses the expected environmental <br />impacts of the project. On the basis of this review, the Planning <br />Commission finds that there is no evidence from which it can be fairly <br />argued that the project will have a significant adverse effect on the <br />environment. Thus, the Planning Commission hereby certifies and <br />approves the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring <br />• Program, Environmental Review No. 2009-86. <br />Section 2. The Planning Commission, after conducting the public hearing, <br />hereby approves Conditional Use Permit No. 2011-21 as conditioned in Exhibit "A" <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein. This decision is based upon the evidence <br />submitted at the above said hearing, which includes but is not limited to: the Request for <br />Planning Commission Action dated October 10, 2011, and exhibits attached thereto; <br />and the public testimony, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />ADOPTED this 10th day of October , 2011 by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners: Acosta, Gartner, Mill, Nalle, Turner, Yrarrazaval(6) <br />NOES: Commissioners: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Commissioners: Alderete (1) <br />ABSTENTIONS: Commissioners: None (0) <br />• Resolution No. 2011-15 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />