<br />?GST
<br />GeoSpallal 7'ochnotog/es• Inc.
<br />R?RTRIT F
<br />his b a 1leease agr?teot (Agtemnenp betw.eot )oft (Llceases). cad t3ooSpatial Tahndogia. ino. (OS7?. By imts?iog tl>a software
<br />aPp. youam em??ttag b the terms of this I!e®e. IFyou do sot epee b the leans of this noa•ermtwlva Lieame Agreement, DO
<br />NIOT71k3rAt_r- T'HE SO1rlVVYARL FOr a fVri rofbod, realm tlm SoRwam end aD aoeampmying materials wllhiA aeVea (7) days b toy
<br />loeationwlmrs yon obtained prem.
<br />QSr mmios eJcdmlve pde etW oavnership of the 3ofhvate appifeattoa lioeaaed fader this Agreerrtenr and, hereby, gFOab io I3eensee a
<br />Flt?l. dent®-e?eclosive, noo-ttanafereble lioeote tight to toe the 3o@waro appiieepoa baAd as the tmas aad ooaditioas of tlus A?eaneot
<br />ualon diafri• Lieattsee agtem to use reasonabb elfott topmteet the 3oRwem epptleatbrt from anyvpeut}rorisedvke,
<br />mA+!od bt+, or pabltoatioa. All rights not apeetRtally ?ntea in this Agrosnrent ere reserved to DST.
<br />irfy P AMrTr'R•+
<br />Bleenaee ?7+sme the number of eopiae of the SoRwaro application for which license fees have been paid on each Software applieslioo.
<br />778Ii81'Q'81'PEt27?tt1R ED.
<br />Lieeireee sltatl ttot:aell, t?euq lease soblleeme; lend, ttssigo, ttmo-shere,:or trmtsle , in whole or is part, or piovIde uettcattaed thhd
<br />- psrLm access toprtor or prtsottt veraloas ofetre Sofiwero oppJicatfoo, ony.ripda}e;.? IJet:rrnoh tigltb under this Agteemeot.
<br />• Lieemee;lam not iewatsw eagraeer, datompilq os dtsasaetable the SoRwxrs appli?speeq or make arty atlampt b tmlodc?.ar b)4?ab the
<br />aoRwete loaYmdo and /or hasdv+ate hey useq, as oppU®ble, sublet to heal law.
<br />• );3oeosee b1rsU >m! make addipoaal coptm oftlm Software appl[capon bbyoad that de;eiibod la We l)sas Fetmdlted seetioa above:
<br />• ISoansee a1raLL trotaemove or obsgae aay (337' eepyrigbt or trademark aattoea
<br />???
<br />TI]e Agtament abs1L eutomepeal>,y teamlapb wlthmtt aotiee If r j•?-•••-- £a3ia b oompT,y, wipr anyptov3aioa of this ?•,+?+.?.• Lieeatsee
<br />ahaU time m(mta b t'aSr the Software appliotim, apdates, cad aay whole corpatpal copies. coda. toodlficationa, and mergedporl3am fn
<br />®Y? T'he h?bY.sgRe that all provlslonswbidr o3xtare to protect the rights ofCiSr shell remain in foreaastronld bceadr oeetu
<br />•.p....--.,...?.?..?.orape¦oaw.maetytyV)mysRUmaseda[eofteeeipLO37`kentlreLsblliryandLiem?seebmmUoiw.
<br />ttnrmdy es Ua the Softtvate?applieoflari or tdafcd raateitafs ahdl be, of QSISt option, ether (e) ncputtoftlts patdlieenae fJta or (b). -
<br />.. replaee:trtaot df Qie Software ttppllealion. The'Spftwate appltcatien te-ptwiided•as is". CiS'I'doasrwt warrmit, gvamntae ortaakaany:
<br />?? tti?rees?. tfapoas,;egata7Fagtirs rue, or fltn eomlts ofmR of the Software, date, of telafod materiaik In terms ofeorteetrres„-soetaaoy,
<br />mliehnity a otlietwtsa l?ttter GSl'tror anyone else wttoltes been invialved in the eieapoty laodrretioa, or delivery oFthe Software
<br />npp? ton shat 6e liabi¢ Itor anY dltect. icdiaecS eoosegaenfiai, or inddeatal demagps (indnding damages for iosa of ten p?rcllR
<br />Lttemtpltoa. leers oFbualneas information, and file ltke) aridng outof toe mo, rrdstuo, or InebilQyto traa a G37' pzodaet event[
<br />C33r has been aitvI+xd ofthe poasibllity ofweh dnnt?ges t3eeauw spore states do twl allow the eareluden or limitation ofliablitty for
<br />e ot• hrdden4d deamgm, tha above limitation ttmy trot apply to pmehasas to weh slates.
<br />A>?ment fs bytho laws of We tutted States ofAmedea sad the State otC?lifom3a without tefermeeAO o®fliet of taws
<br />pdaelptes
<br />rNDHMN[RI A7'ION
<br />13ooosee will, eF ib aole.omt arod eupettge, irtdernnlty. and hold QST end ib o9ioere dinxtor=, empi0yeas, raaoiloes, pgRnta, art end
<br />B?fina Lamtlesafrom cod agalastarry and all dolma, loaaoa, damages, j' v?.•, Qoab and e?vssm (itmlVd{ng attorneys. Bma) adshtg
<br />? ? sat ofor related to f3c®see's viniaelao o[tlte cams of this.A?reeatant or the vlolatievt of the terms of lhls Agreement by agypeaon vfio
<br />.. furs amass Do the sottwaa application through l:teestsero. - -
<br />7Se'?p4,ilm agree that bfs-tbaatltutes rite sole sad enlbe
<br />a8?ars. egrtreeoert of the ptutlds es re the metteraet tottit-he:efn rend sppetsades soy.
<br />emderatandlpior,'aad anaagemeab 6etweea the parties mlaHug: hereto and L eH4ctive, valid.aad bitd"mgvpon pre
<br />t
<br />25C-34