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AGREE MENT C-1-3423 <br />Warner Avenue <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />PARTICIPATING AGENCIES to indentify improvements in metrics from the Before to After <br />conditions. The Before and After Study shall constitute the PROJECT Final Report. <br />Additionally, this report shall document improvements accomplished and recommend <br />procedures for continuing maintenance, surveillance, and evaluation of the coordinated <br />signal system. <br />4. Engineering Design. Review and Procurement/Construction - Su ort Infrastructure <br />Each AGENCY shall provide sufficient staffing to provide Engineering Design Review of <br />Consultant provided design documentation. If design documentation is provided by the <br />AGENCY for PROJECT, the Engineering Design Review requirement shall be satisfied. <br />Purchase and construction/installation of the requested traffic signal infrastructure and <br />upgrades, software, licenses, or other components as approved in the application 'shall be <br />by the AUTHORITY in the name of and for the end user AGENCY. The AUTHORITY shall <br />work with the PARTICIPATING AGENCIES to coordinate design, identification of applicable <br />standards/specifications, purchasing and/or installation of the required improvements. <br />Design and other technical support to implement the upgrades shall be subject to the <br />designated cost estimate. The budget for these improvements is fixed to .the approved <br />budget and will be subject to revised scope or additional contributions. The highest priority <br />improvements shall be those that are required to optimize signal timing. The AGENCY shall <br />waive all fees for permits and inspections and shall provide sufficient professional staffing to <br />provide construction support and inspection services to PROJECT. <br />PROJECT TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION - ON GOING MAINTENANCE AND <br />MONITORING <br />The following is a summary of the on-going maintenance and monitoring for PROJECT: <br />1) Continued Signal Timing Support <br />From the date of completion and acceptance of the signal timing implementation by the <br />AGENCIES, the AUTHORITY shall provide regularly scheduled monthly signa timing <br />support to monitor, observe, fine-tune and optimize the signal timing and phasing <br />operation, PROJECT wide. The AUTHORITY shall provide a reporting mechanism to <br />the AGENCIES documentinn anv nhnnncc --A- <br />maintenance issues regarding systems components directly related to the Systems <br />25B-47