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Department. The weekly reports and monthly reports .are listed In "EXHIBIT E, <br />SAPD Customised CrimeMap°Reports". "EXHIBIT F End User License Agreement" <br />shows CONTRACT's standard software license agreement. <br />2. PRICING <br />Price for the purchase items listed in this contract shall be in accordance with "EXHIBIT G: <br />Quote for Santa. Ana Police Department" provided by. CONTRACTOR dated June 4, 2009, and <br />in accordance with the required specifications set forth in Item (? ). CFTI' shall .pay no tither <br />compensation to CONTRACTOR unless an Amendment has been agreed upon Fn writing and <br />signed by both :parties. <br />3. MILESTONES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE <br />CITY shall pay CONTRACOTR for the specked percentage of total purchase price at each <br />milestone according to the project .milestones specified `below. <br />(1) Delivery of GST Cry'meMap Software Products (50%) <br />Within 15 days from oontract signing or by June 3Dth, 2009, CONTRACTOR shall <br />deliver a set of CDlDVO`s of each of GST CrimeMap, GST CrimeMap Life, and GST <br />-0 -p Mobile software products to CITY Police Department. <br />CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR 50% of the total purchase price within 30 days from <br />receipt of the CD/D\/D's. <br />(2) Remote Implementation of GST CrlmeM'ap Software (25°Jo) <br />Within 15 days from delivery, of GST CrimeMap Software, and provided that CITY <br />Police Department has identified the server computer, two workstation computers, <br />and a Mobile Data Computer, and provided CONTRACTOR with remote access to <br />the identifies computer hardware, CONTRACTOR shall' implement GST CrimeMap <br />SQL Server Database and install one copy of GST CrimeMap, one copy of GST <br />CrimeMap Lite, and one copy of GST CrimeMap Mobile on the designated <br />computers. <br />CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR 30% of the total purchase price within 30 days from <br />the date the purchased software is Implemented. <br />that "CITY "Police Department's schedule allows, CONTRACTOR shall provide two <br />CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR 15°Jo of the total purchase price within. 30 days from <br />(3) On-site Training of GST CrimeMap Software (15%) <br />Within 30 days from the implementation of GST CrimeMap Software, and. provided <br />days on-site software training of GST CrimeMap, GST CrimeMap Lite, and GST <br />CrimeMap. Mobile at CITY Police' Department. <br />the date the two-day raining is completed. <br />(4) GST Software Annual Maintenance (10%) <br />Upon completion of two-day GST CrimeMap software training, CONTRACTOR shall