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r <br />(?) Comprehensive General Liability insurance with limits of not lessthan the following: <br />General Aggregate: $2,000000 <br />Each :occurrence $'1,.000,000 <br />Auto'Itability $1,000 000 <br />{2} Workers' Compensation <br />Each Accident $'1,000,000 <br />:Disease -'policy Rrnlt $1,000,000 <br />Disease -each employee $1,000,000 <br />COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS <br />CONTRACTOR represents and warrants#ha#services to be provided underthls CONTRACT <br />shall #ully comply, at CONTRACTOR'S expense, with all standards, taws, statutes, restrictions, <br />ordinances, requirements, and regulations (collectively "laws"), including, bu# not limited to <br />those Fssued byG[TY in its'governrnentalcapactty and all.othec laws applicableto the services <br />are provided to and accepted by CITY. <br />9, CONFIDENTIALITY <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain the confldentiallty of ail CITY aril CITY-related records <br />.and information pursuant to a:li statutory laws relating to privacy and confidentiality that <br />_ currenfly exist or exist at any time during the term of this CONTRACT. fill such records and. <br />information shaft be considered conf"idenfial and kept confidential by CONTRACTOR2 and <br />CONTRACTOR'S agents>and employees. <br />? O. I N DEIVI IV I Ff CATI ON <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to'indemnifY, defend and hold harmless CITY, i#sofficers, agen#s and <br />employees against any and all iiabiiity,_ claims, ac#ions, pauses of action or demands, arising <br />from or related #o the services, products or other performiancs provider) by CONTRACTOR <br />pursuant to this CONTRACT whether ornot caused fn part'by a party indemnifier) hereunder, <br />except far C1TY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. <br />11. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP <br />CONTRACTOR agrees that if there is a change or transfer in ownership. of CONTRACTOR'S <br />business prior tc comple#ion of this CONTRACT, the -new owners shall be required under <br />terms ofsale or other transfer to assume CONTRACTOR'S duties and obligations contained in <br />this CONTRACT an[f completes them to_the satisfaction of CITY. <br />12. .FORCE MAJEUR$ <br />CONTRACTORshali-not be assessed with liquidated damages or unsa#isfactory performance <br />penalties. during any delay beyond the time named for the performance of this CONTRACT