Laserfiche WebLink
<br />• Importing iaciden# (CAD/1tMS) data into SQL Server <br />• Editing inciclenY records,. geocode Iocations, and customize symbols <br />• Selecting incidents.t?y date, time, beat, district, incident cntegoly <br />• Selecting incidents ii'om any set ofpoint-of-interest locations such as schools, banks, <br />shopping centers,. restaurants, parks, etc.. <br />• Exporting maps of selectedincidents. to shapefile for other mapping applications <br />• Identifying .incidents within a speciFed distance fi•om an address rn' cross streets <br />• Genera#ing repozYS,.maps, and charts of selected records <br />• Exporting data-of selected inciden#s to `IXT, hIDg, xr.S ot. pgg formats <br />• Editing altribi:#es of incident records <br />Editiaig:spatial'elemett#s ofatay map layer including point, line, and,palygoaa features <br />+ Select incidents based on any combination of criteria, i,e, year, date, time, beat, <br />reporting district, crime category, incident type, address oa• cross streets, Point-of- <br />7nterest (pOn or landmarks, query-statements, and spatial selection. The selection <br />criteria can. be saved to a file 'for fiiture uae. <br />• Generating various types ofrepoaYS and incident amps. Editing layout window for <br />desirable map presentations. <br />• Keeping decades of}iistorical data in the database and easily changing the starting <br />date For queries. <br />Queryang CA.L? and ]ZMS databases individuelIy or combined as one table <br />Cop??rfbh[ CeoSpaHaJ Teepna/ag/es, Ire. 2