Laserfiche WebLink
Search tram Vehicle: The uaeratay search crime incidents based on the current Location of <br />the vehicle ifa (3P5 device is installed. Foruusta/tce, the user maysc?lrch robberies that <br />have occurred within l mile from the vehicle's current location. <br />Search t'rom Incident: The user :may search crime itcidents based on the location of the <br />current incident that the unit is responding to, .provided that the CAD interface on the <br />'MDC is available. <br />Searchfrom Address:. The user may enter an address or cross streets to seazch for <br />Incidents within a speed distance from the entered location, e.?., all the robberies that <br />occurred. within 1 mile from a given address. <br />Search from Known Locations: Tlie.user may select any entry fi-om a.Iist oflznosvn <br />Iocations to show all the incidents That occurred within the specified,distance from that <br />Location. <br />Search Range: The user maysearch incidents within SOD R, 1,OOD it, 2,OOD, 4,000 ft, or <br />$om a pull-down list of different distances. Incidents that occurred within the selected <br />distance 13-om the specified location will be identified and .displayed. <br />Search. Limitation: The iESer :may set a lunitation on search distance. and. the maximum <br />number of records to be transnutted"fi+om the server. This is to prevent the unintended <br />attempt to retrieve a ltvge amount of data from the server, which will slow down the <br />wireless eontmunication. <br />CoPJ'r/Sti/ OmSPallu/ T?e4na/oylet, Inc.. 2