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• ?sT <br />softtivare modification to allow GST products to xvork with the new equipment, apesating system, <br />and/or fhirdparty software. These support and/or modification services will be provided by GST et <br />the End User's request at our then quoted prices. <br />(b) Bnd User gerxerated modiGc r' ; GST will not be responsible for any damage to yottr GST <br />software or data caused by upgrades to the. operatirtg system or .replacement of hardware without <br />{SST's prior written concturence that said upgrade would function properly: Services required as s <br />result of modifcatians to GST's systems made by the End User are not considered normal <br />maintenance and are not vro?rided ac art of G?T's ScLfiware Ivlnintenanee Prom-am. <br />(c) External Svstern iytodifi?ations• In the event rtny external system is modiEed beyond that anticipated <br />by the terms of the underlying Bnd User License Agreement, the Hnd User shall .notify GST of such <br />changes irmnedistely upon receipt of notiticatitin from the respective entity/entities and request that <br />GST prepare a proposal to include a time and cost estimate, for the work to be performed which <br />constitartes a change frdtn the originally agreed upon confignrati'on and •vork description as presented <br />in the underlying End User License Agreement. GST strait, witltin thirty (3l7) days after receiving <br />said notice, ftxrnish,a written proposal to the End User. provided the tegrrired modificritions .are <br />comrnercially, techtaicatly arxd practically feasible. Upon receipt of GST's proposal, the End User <br />shalt determine whether it desires the work to be performed, erxd if so sha11 issue a Notice to Proceed <br />xvitbin ten (lt3) days, at ?vlaich'time'GST will perform the necessary modiftcations far the additional <br />mufuatty weed upon compensation. <br />IV. l?ND USER 1t1CSppla7SIBILITIES <br />(a) SaRcvare Proble and Reportine: The End User agrees to limit: use of GST ataaintenance service to <br />occasions vvltetx GST system software fails to operate in .accordance with the product specifications <br />as defined iia floe original,purclxase contract. To facilitate the problem solving process, the End User <br />agrees to assist GST in their efforts to duplicate the sofhvareprolrlem by provitfiaig a written problem <br />report. Additiortally,-GST may ask tl?t you furnish a listing ofsoR?vare problems rather than callirxg <br />on each individual item over a short period of time so that our support team can betterassist you. <br />(b) ,Payment: The-End User is responsible for ensuring that alt amounts payable under the sotttvare <br />annual maintenance prograrn are received by GST on or before the ctSannencenaent of the <br />maintenance program. The End User's failure to remit payment to GST for- such tnaintcnance <br />services provided or to be provided stroll entitle +GST to deny further maintenance. services to the Had <br />User. <br />(c) Updates: The End User and all'users of GST software are. responsible. far ittstalting alI updates to <br />sofl?vare, hardtivare, and fixes in a timely manner. Failure to keep your system updated. can, at GST's <br />sole discretion, result in the immediate discontinuation of maintenance support. <br />(d) SLstem?Q,dnvnistration• The End User is responsible for identifying a System Administrator, as ?vcll <br />as a baclo-up System Ad?++?*+.ctrafor, who will function as t35T's primary .and secondary contact for <br />any maintenance services to be provided tinder the software maintenance .program. Such System. <br />Admirristrntor, or, in the absence of the Systems Administrator, the-bacJc up, shall be GST's sole <br />contact for technical assistance. The System Administrator and backup System Administrator must <br />Customer nano