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?ST <br />Geospatim Technologies, Inc. <br />L..?'I31B.IT <br />GEOSPATIAL TECI[i\OLQGII'S, INC. <br />END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) <br />This is n license agreunent. (Agreement) between }out (2lcertsea), and GeoSpntie! Technologies, Ina. (GST). By iastafling the software <br />NOT]IVSTALL TILE SGFT?VARE. For n full raFutul, return the Soft warn and all accompanying maturials wilhirt seven (7) days to due <br />.IMPORTANT: DO NOT' INSTALL TIM ENCLOSED SOFTWAUr_ <br />UNTIL YOU IIA« READ AND AGREED TO THIS LICENSE AGR.EEML<'N7'. <br />application, year am consenting to the terms of[1csLicrnse. ]f you donor agree ro the terms ofthis ran-excluaiaro License Agreement, 1)O <br />location where you obtained them. <br />F$fRYATION A1VLlO?VNERS73fI A1VI) RA1NT t I7 ]-+vS3 <br />GST rebates exclusive title and oavnerahip oP the Softaare application licensed under this Agreement and, hcrecb <br />personal, non-of rlusive, ran-transt'erable "cense:rigiti to use the SOtiwarc application, based on rho teens and di?tiaon?s of bileAg ree ment. <br />From the date of receipi, L:icansce agrees to use me sonabto Effort to protect tIto sonwem application. from any ttnso thorized use, <br />reproduction, distribution, orpublicntion.All rights nor specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved to GST. <br />I?'C r FRarrTrrrr-± <br />Lacensea may use the number of copies of the Software application for which license fees have been paid on each Software Application. <br />TriS g xOT I? mT'1"TLI) <br />• Ltcenseaahall not sell, ,rent, lease, sublicense, lend, Assign, time-share, or transfer, in whole or in part, or provide unlicensed third <br />parties access to, prior or present versions ofthe Software application,. any-updates, or Licensee's rights under this Agreement- <br />' I- censee shall not ireverse croginecon. decotnpile, or disassemble the Software, application, or make any attempt to unlock or bypass the <br />software key-code and for hardware key used, as applicable. subject to local law. <br />Lacensee shall _not nlsl¢ additional copies of the Software Application beyond that described in the Uses Permitted section above. <br />• Licensee shall not remove or obscatre any GST copyright or trademark notices, <br />TERM <br />The Agreement shall automatically terminate without notice if Ucer>see fails to comply with nayprovision of this Agreement. -Licensee <br />shall Chan mfurn to GST the Software application, updates, and any whole or partial copies, codes, modi ficalions, and merged portions in <br />nayform. The parties hereby agree that all provisionswhich operate to protect the rights of GST shall remain in force should breach occur. <br />I?iltIlTFr]';{/?] <br />RR A N7Y <br />GST warrants that the media upon which lire Software application is provided will be &ce from defects in trraterfals and workmanship <br />under normal use and service far a period ofninety(9o) days from &a date of receipt. QST's entire liability and Licensee's axoiusive <br />remedy ns to the Sotiwara application or related materials shit be, at OS-rx option, either (a) return ofthe paidlicense A. ar.(b) <br />replacement of the Software application- The Software application is provided "as is". OST does not warrant, gueran ac or make any <br />representations regarding the use, ortho results ofusc, of the Software, data, or related matedats in terms of correctness,. accuracy, <br />reliability or othetavitx. Neither GST nor anyone else avlto has. been involved Ia rise crealio>t, irroductioa,. oc delivery ofthe Softavarc <br />appficat[tm shall be Iiabta fir any direct, indirect, consegveNfal, or incidemal damages (fnclttding damages for loss ofbusinass profit, if <br />business it rmptioa, lo entass of business information, and the like)ariaing wut ofthe use, misrtsc, orlna6ilIty to use a GST ptnduct. even <br />GST' has beered vised of the possibilityoFsuch damages- Because soiree states do not allow the cxclvsion or limitation ofliability for <br />canscgtrarutial or incidl d <br />amages, rho above limitation maynot apply to purchasersin such states. <br />r(7V61?N[WC' i AW <br />This Agreemeut is governed by the laws of the Unfired States of Annerica and the Stale of California. without conflict of laws <br />principles. <br />rl QD I: iy]TQTFI"CATION <br />Ltcerrsee avill, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify and hold GST. and Its oft'rcers, directors, employees, resetlers, agents, successors and <br />assigns harmless. from and Against any and all claims, losses, darnagas, judgments, costs and expenses (including attorneys' :fees) Arising <br />outofor related to Ucensco•s violation of the terms of this Agreement or the violation of the terms of this Agreement by.. any person who <br />has access to the software application through Licensee. <br />F+NTI rr AGREEMENT <br />Thepert ics agree drat this constitutes tire sole and entire agreement of the parties as to the matter set forth he-in and supersedes any <br />Pre ious agreements, understandings, and. arrangements between the parties relating hereto and is effective, vatic, and binding upon the