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1NSURANCE QN FILE <br />WORK MAY'PROCEED <br />r"UNTILINSURANG 'F.?CPIR <br />AK OF GOUNGit <br />A-2009-1 ]8 <br />CLE ?) ? ?t? ? CO1?iSULTAPTT AGREIl+MENT <br />neTF? ` ? // <br />?? TI-iLS AGREEMENT, made -and entered into this ? day of ' w? 2009 <br />by and between GeoSpafial Technologies, Inc. (GST), A COrpOYatlOn, (hereinafter `?onsultAZiY?, <br />And"the City of Samta Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation organized and existing vnder <br />the Constitution and' laws of he State of California (hereinafter "City"}. <br />lZ);CITALS <br />A. The City desires Yo retain a consultacxt hAVing special skill and knowledge in the field of <br />providing: the City with computer software, professional services, training, and technical- <br />support of crime mapping, analysis, and reporting :solutions. for law enfoi?ement <br />agencies.. <br />S. Consultant shall submit an invoice for such. services. <br />C. Consultant represents that Consultant is ab}e acid willing to provide such services to the <br />City. <br />D. In undertaking the performance of this Agreement, Consultant represents that it is <br />knowiedgeable in its fieid_and that any services,performed by Consultant under this <br />Agi-eexnentwill beperfonned incompliance with such standards as mayreasonablybe <br />expected',tYOm a professional consulting from in the field, <br />NO"13' THI?I2LFOR>C, in consideration offhe mutual and respective promises,>and aubject to'the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. SCOPE ?F'SERVICES <br />Consultant shall perform those services asset forth in Attachment 1 to this Agreement. <br />2. COMPENSAT30N <br />a., City agrees'to pap, and Consultant agrees to accept as tofai payiment foci s services, <br />the rates and charges identified ixn ]3xhibit G to Attachment 1. The total sum to be expended <br />under this Agreement shall not exceed $71,593.75 during the term of this Agreement. <br />b. Paymentby City sha11 be made within thirty (30} days following receipt of proper <br />invoice: cvidenaing work performed, subject to-City accounting procedures. Payment need not <br />be made for woric which fails to meet:the standards ofperformance set forth in the Recitals <br />which may reasonably be expected by City. <br />3. TERM <br />This,Agreenient shall con?rnence on the date first written above and terminate upon the <br />expenditure of funds, unless terminated earlier in accordance with .Section 72, below. The term