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NNINBNCE ON HU <br />600 MV PROCEED N•2011.116.001 <br />UN11I INSUBRNCE EMPIRES <br />CIEROFCOUNCO FIRSTAMENDMENTTO <br />ONRE: RECREATION SERVICES AGREEMENT <br />, <br />RECITALS <br />THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 20 °i day of Oak, 2Ullbyand <br />between Suzanne Ryan, an individual (hereinafter'Pmvider'), and the City of Santa Ana, a <br />charter oily and municipal corporation organized and existing undo the Consfilulion and laws of <br />the State of California (hereinafter "Ci[y') <br />A The pasties entered into Recreation Services Agreement N-2011-116, dated September 12, 201 <br />(hereinafter "said Agreement), by which Provider instructs exercise lasses for the City's <br />leisure class program. <br />B, Inaccordance wifhihe tumsandeonditionsofsnidAgrcemengineparli esdeOretoamend <br />said Agreement an reflect Provider's decision to offer instruction without charge to the <br />padiuipanlsoriheCiry, <br />WHERF FORE, in consideration of the revenants oontaineti in said Agreement, and subject to all <br />the terms and conditions of said Agreement, except those amended In this First Amendment fo <br />Agreement, the parties agree as fc0ows: <br />L SceUonI, SCOPE0FS6RVICES, shallbedeletedini�sentiretyandamendedforeadin <br />full as follows: <br />"I. SCOPE OR SERVICES: <br />a. Providerwillinslruc[ anexerciseprogmmforolderadullsaElheSouthwestSenior <br />C¢ nfu[ orlheCity'sleisureelassprogram. Saidclussesshallmnonehourperday, <br />Iwo days per weak, conducted inone -month sessions during ihemon[hs ofdanuary <br />throughOc(o6er, NovemberandDecembershallbelhreeweeksessions. Provider <br />and Cily shall mutually a ®ee to the schedule far classes, including the location, days <br />and hours when class wit l be held and holidays m he observed. Provider shall <br />provide materials, supplies, equipment, records and pusoimel. Provider shall be <br />responsible for clean -up of the faoilitiesand materials and shall ensure the safety and <br />effectiveness of inshvction. <br />6. EJ ChClassshallhaveamaximamofSOshadeiils. <br />c. Classes willheofferedfrceofcharge. Providershallr elainanydonationsgiven6y <br />participants <br />2 Exceptashereinaboveamended, alltermsandrenditionsCfsaidAgreementshaNremain <br />in full force and attack <br />