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Resolution Certifying EIR for San Lorenzo Sewer <br />Lift Station and Approval of Sewer Lift Station Project <br />January 17, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />In December 2008, the City prepared a CEQA Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />(MND) for the proposed project. The MND was approved by the City Council on February 2, 2009. <br />Subsequently, the MND was challenged in California Superior Court by an adjacent property owner: <br />Santa Ana California Lodge, LLC. As a result, the court instructed the City to vacate its approval of <br />the MND and prepare a project EIR. The Draft EIR was developed and circulated for public review <br />and comment from July 14, 2010 through September 10, 2010 (58 days). <br />Based on a review of comments provided on this Draft EIR and a prior version of the Final EIR, <br />which was never certified, the City opted to expand the EIR's analysis of alternative locations for <br />the proposed project and incorporate other minor revisions into the Draft EIR. The City also <br />decided to recirculate the Draft EIR. Accordingly, in compliance with CEQA Guidelines, the City <br />prepared a recirculated Draft EIR (RDEIR), which was made available for public review for a 47- <br />day period from September 14 through October 31, 2011. <br />The City has prepared a Final EIR which includes all comments and recommendations received <br />on the RDEIR, and written responses to those comments. Staff recommends that the City Council <br />adopt the resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the San Lorenzo Sewer Lift <br />Station, and approve the project as described in the Final EIR. <br />In order to construct the new lift station as described in the Final EIR, the City will need to acquire <br />approximately 292 square feet of unused land owned by the Santa Ana California Lodge, LLC. In <br />addition, a temporary construction easement of 465 square feet would also be required. <br />Attached as Exhibit 3 is the executive summary of the EIR, which explains the revisions made <br />between the originally circulated Draft EIR and the RDEIR. Copies of the Final EIR are available for <br />public review at the City Clerk's office and at the Public Works counter on the first floor of the Ross <br />Annex. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />The Final Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in accordance with CEQA. Virtually all <br />of the significant environmental impacts associated with this project are temporary impacts that <br />occur due to construction activities and can be mitigated to below the level of significance. The one <br />significant long -term impact identified was the possibility of odors emanating from the lift station and <br />impacting sensitive receptors. However, this potential impact is reduced to "less than significant" by <br />incorporating an odor - control system into the lift station design. The EIR identified only one <br />significant impact that could not be mitigated below the level of significance: traffic disruption due to <br />lane closures on Segerstrom Avenue and Bristol Street. This impact is a near -term impact and <br />would occur only during five weeks of the construction schedule. <br />55A -2 <br />