Orange County Bridge to Engineering
<br />DOL SGA- DFA- PY -10 -13
<br />Math Instructor: Spring 2012 Accelerated College$1 1g09 r /Tr gaon� etr 090 � Year 2,14
<br />units) - instructors. math., physics & engineering
<br />$15,090 in Year 3, and $0 in Year 4 for t tai in$45,2730. Fri ge Be $61659@14.7 1%
<br />$2,220 in Year 1, $2,220 in Year 2, and
<br />Student Assistants /Tutors Acad Year: Provide 1 �lc Y2t 80 hrs / o Y3 2F $21,896in
<br />SAC. 40 hrs /wlc/ for 35 wks @ $11.00 /hr ( ), 60 hrs /w And Year 1, $32,844 in Year 2, $43,792 in Year 1 $2,.549 in Year 2e$3 398 total of
<br />3, and '428.
<br />Fringe Benefits @ 7.76% = $1,699
<br />$1,699 in Year 4 for a total of $9,345
<br />Summer Bridge Instructor with benefits: iai basic bridging curriculum
<br />Jam (6 weeps for 4
<br />incoming cohort members needing addittoi rox. 6,67 LHE _ $7,189 in Year 1,
<br />hours per day @ $71.96 per hr) = 120 his instruction, app
<br />$7,189 in.Year 2, $7,189 in Year 3, and $0 in Year 4 for a total of $21,567. Fringe Benefits
<br />@ 14.71% = $1,058 in Year .1,-$1,058 in Year 2, and $1,058 in Year 3, for a total of $3,173
<br />Summer Bridge Student Assistants /Tutors - 5 tutors @ 2 d r O n for
<br />eah for@ total of /hr
<br />$11,730 in Year 1, $11,730 in Year 2, $11,730 in Year 3, an $
<br />$35,190. Fringe Benefits @ 7.7.6% = $910 in Year 1, $910 in Year 2, $910 in Year 3, and $0
<br />in Year 4 for a total of $2,731
<br />Math Jam Assistant 4 we 5 days a week, 4 hours a day @ $16.00 per hr - Student
<br />Leaders providing additional tutoring/instruction
<br />4 for t t 1 of $3,8 0. Fringe Benefits @ 7.76 %0 °n$99in
<br />2, $1,280 in Year 3, and $0 m Y
<br />Year 1, $99 in Year 2, $99 in Year 3, and $0 in Year 4 for a total of $298
<br />Math Jam Student Assistants /Tutors - 5 tutors @ 25hrs /wk for 4 wks @ $15.64/hr
<br />$7,820 in Year 1, $7,820 in Year 2, $7,820 in Year 3, and $0 in Year ,4 for a total of $23,460.
<br />Fringe Benefits @7.76% = $607 in Year 1, $607 in Year 2, $607 in Year 3, and $0 in Year 4
<br />for a total of $1,821
<br />Counselor/Retention Specialist (10 hrs a week for 40 weeks @ $76.16 per hr) - assists core
<br />team in recruitment and outreach including at campus veterans programs, provides academic
<br />counseling and referrals to support services= $20,360 in Year 1, $20,360 in-Year 2, $209960
<br />in Year 3, and $20,360 in Year 4 for a total of $81,440. Fringe Benefits @14.71% = 2,
<br />in Year 1, $2;995 in Year 2, $2,995 in Year 3, and $2,995 in Year 4 for a total of $11,980
<br />Researcher: 10% FTE, assists in gathering and reporting student data, tracking outcomes =
<br />$4,892 in Year 1, $4,892 in Year 2, $4,892 in Year 3, and $4,892 in Year 4 for a total of
<br />$19,568. Fringe Benefits @ 24.06% = $1,177 in Year 1, $1,177 in Year 2, $1,177 in Year 3,
<br />and $1,137 in Year 4 for a total of $4,708
<br />Textbook loans for students'to support students in financial
<br />Year la need. $20 Year 2 year: 00 in
<br />students for Yrl, 60 for Yr2, 90 for Yr3 = $6,000 in
<br />Year 3, and.$1,000 in Year 4 for a total of $31,000
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