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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />OBSOLETE RECORDS DESTRUCTION SCHEDULE <br />PERSONNEL SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br />2006 <br />PERSONNEL SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br />RECORD <br />RECORD <br />RECORD <br />RECORD <br />CATEGORY <br />SERIES <br />DESCRIPTION <br />DATES <br />ENROLLMENT <br />Dental Insurance <br />Employee dental insurance enrollment forms" <br />EE Separated <br />FORMS <br />December 2006 and <br />(OFFICIAL) <br />prior <br />Flexible Spending, <br />Enrollment forms for flexible spending program" <br />EE Separated <br />Section 125 <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />Life Insurance <br />Employee life insurance enrollment forms *" <br />EE Separated <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />Long -Term <br />Employee Long -Term Disability Insurance <br />EE Separated <br />Disability <br />enrollment forms" <br />December 2006 and <br />Insurance <br />prior <br />Medical Insurance <br />Employee medical insurance enrollment forms" <br />EE Separated <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />EQUAL <br />Employment and <br />Personnel and employment records, including <br />EE Separated <br />EMPLOYMENT <br />personnel records <br />application forms`, records pertaining to <br />December 2006 and <br />OPPORTUNITY <br />promotions", layoffs" *, terminations", salaries *" <br />prior <br />COMMISSION <br />and training* <br />(EEOC) <br />Involuntary <br />Personnel records of terminated employee "* <br />EE Separated <br />termination <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />OFFICIAL <br />Certification/ <br />Request for Certification and /or reassignment <br />EE Separated <br />PERSONNEL <br />Reassignment <br />forms which document and authorize hiring, <br />December 2006 and <br />FILES <br />Forms <br />reassignment, or other employee actions. ** <br />prior <br />Certificates of <br />Certificates issued to EE which show completion <br />EE Separated <br />Training <br />date of training class(es).* <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />Commendation <br />Letters of commendation and /or other <br />EE Separated <br />Letters <br />congratulatory documents received by and /or <br />December 2006 and <br />issued to EE.* <br />prior <br />Disciplinary <br />Memorandums, letters, or other records of <br />EE Separated <br />Actions <br />proposed and /or implemented disciplinary <br />December 2006 and <br />action(s). ** <br />prior <br />Doctor's Notes/ <br />Notes /medical release forms, etc., submitted <br />EE Separated <br />Medical Releases <br />regarding employee's medical condition. ** <br />December 2006 and <br />prior <br />Drug Screen Test <br />Pre - placement and drug screening authorization <br />EE Separated <br />and acknowledgement form(s) and results of <br />December 2006 and <br />drug screening. *" <br />prior <br />19C -8 <br />