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LEGAT. DESC721�iION <br />PARC]✓L "A" <br />That portion of the Tiortbwost Quarter of liic Northwest Quarter of Section 12, <br />Township 5 South, Range 10 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City.of $ante Ana, <br />County of Orange, State of California, in the land allotted to Jacob Roas in Decree of <br />Partition of the Rancho Santiago do Santa „p recorded in BookB of Tudgments of the <br />17r�' Judicial District Court of Los Angeles County, California, described as follows: <br />Conunrazaing at the 13orthwcsst comer of said Section 12, said corner also being the <br />centreline intersection of Bristol Street with 17u' Street as shown on Tract No. 863, filed <br />in Book 26, Page 3 0 of ]Miscellaneous Maps in the Office of itie Covnty Recorder of <br />Orange County, California, cad Record of Survey map filed in Book 3, Page 12, <br />Records of Survey in the Office of said County Recorder; thence easterly along the <br />centerline of 1701 Street per said Tract No. 863, North $9 °53' 15" East, 174.675 fee# to the <br />westcriy line of the land as described in Deed recorded June 7, 1924, Book 528, <br />Page 143, Official Records of said County Recorder, said westerly lino being coincident <br />with the easterly line of the land as described in Deed recorded May 26, 1924, Book 525, <br />Page 15, OS vial Records of said County Recorder, thence southerly along said wcsicrly <br />line, p, +*portadly shown on Record of Survey map fil®d is Boo3c 48, Papa 36, <br />Records of Survey in the l3fiice of said County Recorder, South 00 °37'29" West, <br />50.00 feet to iiie iatersectioa�with a line Parallel with and SO.OU feet southerly of said <br />aeaterline of 17 °i Street per last said Record of Survey map and as described in Deeds, <br />both of which were rocoidod August 27, 1955, in Book 3625, Page 260 S. Page 262, <br />Official Records of said County Recorder, said intersection being the <br />True Point of Be�inniag; thence easterly along said parallel line, North 89 °53' 15" East, <br />61.99 feet; thence South S1 °55'1.5" West, 53.54 feeito the beg�*+*+:+�g ofa curve concave <br />uortherly, having n radius of 60 feet; thence westerly along said curve 8.34 feet, through a <br />centre] angle of U7 °SS'00 ", to the intersection with a true parallel with and 5$_00 feet <br />soutlieriy of. said centerline of.1'%h Streert, said curve being tangerrt to said parallel line; <br />theaice westerly along said parallel sine, South 89 °53' 15" �7Vest, 0.75 feet to said westerly <br />line of said 528/743 O.R.; thence northerly along said wcs €arty line, <br />I�iorth 00 °37'29" East, 8_00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 267 square feet, more or less. <br />