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for one year thereafter. <br />1. The SUB-RECIPIENT shall incorporate the foregoing subsections of this <br />Section into every agreement that it enters into in connection with this project <br />and shall substitute the term "subcontractor' for the term "SUB-RECIPIENT" <br />and "sub subcontractor' for "Subcontractor'. <br />§412. Restriction on Disclosures <br />Any reports, analysis, studies, drawings, information, or data generated as a <br />result of this Agreement are to be governed by the California Public Records Act <br />(California Government Code Sec. 6250, et seq.). <br />§413. Statutes and Regulations Applicable To All Grant Contracts <br />A. SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with all applicable requirements of state, federal, <br />county and SUB-RECIPIENT laws, executive orders, regulations, program and <br />administrative requirements, policies and any other requirements governing this <br />Agreement. SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with state and federal laws and <br />regulations pertaining to labor, wages, hours, and other conditions of <br />employment. SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with new, amended, or revised <br />laws, regulations, and/or procedures that apply to the performance of this <br />Agreement. These requirements include, but are not limited to: <br />Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars <br />SUB-RECIPIENT shall comply with OMB Circulars, as applicable: <br />OMB Circular A-21 (Cost Principles for Educational Institutions); <br />OMB Circular A-87 (Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian <br />Tribal Governments); OMB Circular A-102 (Grants and Cooperative <br />Agreements with State and Local Governments); Common Rule, <br />Subpart C for public agencies or OMB Circular A-110 (Uniform <br />Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with <br />Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit <br />Organizations); OMB Circular A-122 (Cost Principles for Non-Profit <br />Organizations); OMB Circular A-133 (Audits of States, Local <br />Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. <br />2. Single Audit Act <br />If Federal funds are used in the performance of this Agreement, <br />SUB-RECIPIENT shall adhere to the rules and regulations of the <br />Single Audit Act, 31 USC Sec. 7501 et seq.; and any <br />administrative regulation or field memos implementing the Act. <br />3. Americans with Disabilities Act <br />SUB-RECIPIENT hereby certifies that it will comply with the <br />Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USC §§ 12101, et seq., and its <br />implementing regulations. SUB-RECIPIENT will provide reasonable <br />13