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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />"1•he General Commercial <GC? disn-ict applies u, conunercial corridors in <br />Santa -Ana including those Ioctted along Main Street, Seventeenth Street, <br />I Iarbor T3oulevard, and other major arterial roadways in the Ci[y_ "I?hc <br />intensity srtndard applicable to this designation is a floor area ratio 0((1.5 -].U, <br />though most General Contntc rcial districts have a Fl1R of (1S. A total of <br />I,(17I-(i acres of land is included in this designarion- <br />General Conuncrcial districts arc hey components in the economic <br />dcvelopntent of the (:ity. "I"hey provide highly visible and accessible <br />contnurcial dcvclctpnunt along the City's ancrial tru>,_sportation corridors- In <br />addition, Gencrtl (:ommcrcial land uses provide intportaun neighborhood <br />facilities and services, including shopping, recreation, cultural and <br />ente rrtinmcut activities, cnt ploynunt, and cd ucation. "I'he districts also <br />p rovidc su ppcn-t facilities and services for indusu-ial areas including office and <br />retail, restaurants :.uul various other se rviccs. <br />"I?hc Gcucrtl Comntcrcial dcvclopntcnt standards arc based upon the <br />c haracter and intensity o[ development, as well as the degree of access and <br />ntarkct dctnand fir these properties. "I'hc relationships to adjacent land uses, <br />arc also considered. Uses typically located in this district arc <br />7insiness and professional offices, <br />Retail and service establishments; <br />Kecreational, cultural, and entertainment uses; and <br />Vocational schcuils. <br />Gcnertl <:onunercial Districts have a floorarea ratioofO-? ?.rith the exception <br />of-tlte Mi<l-town area which has an (door arc•u ratio o(?ttp to 1-(1_ <br />One Broadway Plain District Center is a se•patate Innd use designation as it <br />has an F?n.12. of Z.S), whtch exceeds the typual Dtstnu Centel intcnsuy limit- ' [ <br />t <br />lAdcbtionally, n does not include a tcstdential component (one liroad way >:, <br />Plain i. envtstoncd as a landntatlc ptofcssutnal office contplcx chat will be a I? qq <br />I lt,?.?? 11?j+. <br />fiscal point in the Uowntou?n 12edevclopment area serving Che Civtc (:enter ?i ?%t.---A- '?? <br /> <br />complex, Downtown, and Midtown urban areas. "['he City's District Centers t <br />.?--?i - <br />and major development areas arc shown in Exhibit n-5. ? a1??11'e?-..m?_` <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />?: J ? ? r ??