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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-3099 <br />i the AUTHORITY dated October 8, 2010) for the Santa Ana and Garden Grove Fixed Guideway <br />2 Corridor; (hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT"); and <br />3 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY and CITY entered into Cooperative Agreement C-1-2447 on <br />4 May 20, 2011 to define the roles and responsibilities related to funding between the AUTHORITY <br />5 and CITY for the PROJECT; and <br />6 WHEREAS, on September 26, 2011, the AUTHORITY'S Board of Directors approved that <br />7 the AUTHORITY will serve as the Federal Transit Administration Grantee for the PROJECT and that <br />s the CITY will serve as the sub-recipient; and <br />9 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY and the CITY desire to amend and restate and enter into an <br />10 amended and restated Cooperative Agreement that supersedes Cooperative Agreement C-1-2447 <br />ii to define the roles and responsibilities related to funding between the AUTHORITY and CITY for the <br />12 PROJECT; and <br />13 WHEREAS, the CITY is acting on behalf of itself as well as its partner, the City of Garden <br />14 Grove, as the local agency lead for the PROJECT; and <br />15 WHEREAS, the AUTHORITY and the CITY agree that the terms and conditions of this <br />16 Agreement only apply to the project development and Preliminary Engineering as that term is <br />17 defined by the Federal Transit Administration and that if the Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed- <br />is Guideway Project moves beyond the Preliminary Engineering PHASE, the AUTHORITY and the <br />19 CITY will be required to enter into additional agreements addressing, at a minimum, the roles and <br />20 responsibilities of the AUTHORITY and the CITY during design and construction of the Santa <br />21 Ana/Garden Grove Fixed-Guideway Project and the roles and responsibilities of the AUTHORITY <br />22 and the CITY relative to the operations and maintenance of the Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed- <br />23 Guideway Project after completion of construction; and <br />24 WHEREAS, the CITY has agreed to provide non federal funding in the amount of Five <br />25 Hundred Fifty Four Thousand One Hundred Seventy Dollars ($554,170) or (10%) as the required <br />26 local match for the PROJECT; and <br />Page 2 of 16 <br />L: C amm1C LER I CALK LER ICALIWORDPROCIAG REE W MEND\AG 13009