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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-3099 <br />1 ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT <br />2 This Agreement specifies the roles and responsibilities of the PARTIES as they pertain to the <br />3 subjects and projects addressed herein. Both AUTHORITY and CITY agree that each will cooperate <br />4 and coordinate with the other in all activities covered by this Agreement and any other supplemental <br />s agreements that may be required to facilitate purposes thereof. <br />6 ARTICLE 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUTHORITY <br />7 AUTHORITY agrees to the following responsibilities for PROJECT: <br />s A. AUTHORITY shall formally request on behalf of the CITY that the Southern California <br />9 Association of Governments (SCAG) amend the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) <br />10 to provide FTA funding to the PROJECT, whereby AUTHORITY's performance under this Agreement is <br />11 contingent upon SCAG and FTA approval. <br />12 B. AUTHORITY will perform oversight of the M2 and federal funds in compliance with M2 <br />13 eligibility guidelines, Comprehensive Transportation Funding Program Guidelines and Federal Transit <br />14 Administration (FTA) funding requirements. <br />15 C. AUTHORITY shall remit to CITY within 30 days of receipt of an acceptable invoice, in <br />16 accordance with ARTICLE 9 REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT and EXHIBIT A "FUNDING <br />17 PLAN", reimbursement for development activities and preliminary engineering up to ninety (90%) <br />18 percent of eligible M2 and Section 5307 PROJECT costs. Such PROJECT costs shall not exceed the <br />19 sum of Four Million Nine Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Dollars ($4,987,530) <br />20 and are subject to authorization through the AUTHORITY's annual budget process. AUTHORITY will <br />21 not be obligated to pay for any amount beyond what has been identified in this Article. <br />22 D. AUTHORITY shall process any required Federal Transportation Improvement Program <br />23 amendments and FTA grant agreements. <br />24 E. AUTHORITY shall review final drafts of, and the Chief Executive Officer of the <br />25 AUTHORITY or his designee shall approve, PROJECT documents that CITY prepares, or causes to be <br />26 prepared, related to the PROJECT, and provide comments and/or approval within 10 working days of <br />Page 5 of 16 <br />L Camm\CLERICAL\CLERICAL\WORDPROC\AGREE\AMEND\AG 13009