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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-3099 <br />i B. AUTHORITY representative shall be an integral and on-going part of PROJECT <br />2 reviews. CITY acknowledges that the AUTHORITY has final approval authority. <br />3 C. The above on-going responsibilities entitle AUTHORITY, and any of their designated <br />4 consultants, the opportunity to: attend monthly coordination meetings, have final draft PROJECT <br />s materials sent to them in a timely manner so as to be able to provide meaningful input, and have <br />6 iterative review and comment opportunity as warranted by the process. <br />7 ARTICLE 6. DELEGATED AUTHORITY <br />s The actions required to be taken by CITY in the implementation of this Agreement are <br />9 delegated to its City Manager, or his designee, and the actions required to be taken by AUTHORITY <br />10 in the implementation of this Agreement are delegated to its Chief Executive Officer, or designee. <br />ii ARTICLE 7. AUDIT AND INSPECTION <br />12 A. AUTHORITY and CITY shall maintain a complete set of records in accordance with <br />13 generally accepted accounting principles. Upon reasonable notice, AUTHORITY and CITY shall <br />14 permit each PARTY's authorized representatives to inspect and audit all work, materials, payroll, <br />15 books, accounts, and other data and records of the other PARTY for a period of four (4) years after <br />16 final payment, or until any on-going audit is completed. For purposes of audit, the date of <br />17 completion of this Agreement shall be the date of the AUTHORITY's final notice of project <br />is completion. Each PARTY shall have the right to reproduce any such books, records, and accounts <br />19 of the other PARTY relative to PROJECT. The above provision with respect to audits shall extend to <br />20 and/or be included in contracts with CITY's contractors and subcontractors. <br />21 B. Upon request, the CITY agrees to permit the AUTHORITY, the U.S. Secretary of <br />22 Transportation, the Comptroller General of the United States, or their authorized representatives, to <br />23 inspect all PROJECT work, materials, payrolls, and other data, and to audit the books, records, and <br />24 accounts of the Recipient and its sub recipients pertaining to the PROJECT. <br />25 / <br />26 / <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />L: Camm\CLERICAL\CLERICAL\WORDPROCWGREEIAMEND\AG 13009