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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-1-3099 <br />I ARTICLE 11. REPORTING <br />2 A. Types of Reports: The CITY agrees to submit to the AUTHORITY any reports that the <br />3 AUTHORITY is required to submit to FTA as required by FTA's administrative regulations for grants <br />4 and cooperative agreements and any other reports the Federal Government may require. <br />s B. Format Requirements for Reports: The CITY agrees that all reports and other <br />6 documents or information intended for public availability developed in the course of the PROJECT <br />7 and required to be submitted to FTA must be prepared and submitted in electronic and or <br />s typewritten hard copy formats as FTA may require. <br />9 C. Timing of Submittal of Reports: The CITY agrees that it will submit reports to the <br />10 AUTHORITY in accordance with a schedule agreed to by the CITY and AUTHORITY. However, the <br />ii CITY agrees that quarterly report information must be submitted to the AUTHORITY within fifteen <br />12 (15) days after the end of the calendar quarter for which the information in the report in being <br />13 submitted. <br />14 ARTICLE 12. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS <br />is All parties agree to the following mutual responsibilities regarding PROJECT: <br />16 A. Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect through <br />17 October 31, 2014. This Agreement may only be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties. <br />is B. Termination: Either party may initiate proceedings to terminate this Agreement by <br />19 giving thirty (30) days written notice; however, this Agreement shall not be terminated without mutual <br />20 agreement of both parties. <br />21 C. Compliance: AUTHORITY and CITY shall comply with all applicable federal, state, <br />22 and local laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations of any governmental authority having <br />23 jurisdiction over the PROJECT. <br />24 D. Legal Authority: AUTHORITY and CITY hereto consent that they are authorized to <br />25 execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that, by so executing this Agreement, the <br />26 parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. <br />Page 13 of 16 <br />L: Camm\CLERICAL\CLERICAL\WORDPROC\AGREEWMENDW G13009