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NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2012 (NS-2826 - NS-2840)
NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
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7/18/2016 2:54:04 PM
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6/7/2012 5:26:18 PM
City Clerk
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respect to the permitted use(s) zoning, design, setbacks, density, height, size of structures, <br />permitted uses, and intensity of use of the Property (collectively, the "Existing Development <br />Regulations'), shall be those rules, regulations, and policies applicable to the Property as of the <br />effective date of this Agreement. <br />5.1.1 Cooperative Agreement for Off -Site Improvements. Coastal Rim and <br />the City, together with other parties, executed a Cooperative Agreement for Off Site <br />Improvements concurrently with the Original Agreement, a true and correct copy of which is <br />attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by this reference. Owner agrees to comply <br />in all respects with its obligations under said Agreement, and agrees and acknowledges that a <br />material breach of said agreement shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement._ Despite <br />anything to the contrary, Owner is not required to construct any off -site improvements other than <br />as expressly required in this Agreement, in any environmental documentation related to this <br />Project, or in any condition of approval in any discretionary action related to this Project. <br />5.1.2 Remaining Offsite Mitigation Measures. file additional offsite <br />mitigation measures, beyond those set forth in the agreement referenced in section 5.1.1 of this <br />Agreement, which must be constructed by Owner are as set forth in Exhibit E to this Agreement. <br />All funds or costs for offshe mitigation measures required pursuant to the approvals set forth in <br />section 2.4 of this Agreement shall be paid the earlier of (1) the time called for in the said <br />approvals, or (2) no later than recordation of the final subdivision map for the Project, or (3) <br />issuance of certificates of occupancy; whichever comes first. <br />5.2 Exclusion from Existing Rules, Regulations and Policies. <br />Pursuant to Government Code Section 65866, and Pardee Construction Co. V. <br />City of Camarillo (1984) 37 CaUd 465, 208 Cal.Rptr. 228, 690 P.2d 701, City retains the right <br />to enact police power regulations on matters not covered by section 5.1 of this Agreement, <br />including without limitation: <br />a. Regulation of the rate and amount of growth is not abrogated by the City, <br />in that the parties agree and acknowledge that the City hereby retains the police power to provide <br />for change in regulations, ordinances, policies, and plans relating to moratoria, building permit <br />allocations, timing, and sequencing of development and the financing and provision of adequate <br />public facilities at the time of development. <br />b. hunicipal laws and regulations which do not interfere with Owner's vested <br />rights to develop and use the Property in accordance with section 5.1 of this Agreement. As used <br />herein, "Existing Development Regulations" shall not include municipal laws and regulations that <br />do not conflict with Owner's vested rights to develop and use the Property in accordance with this <br />Agreement. Owner and its successors and assigns and all persons and entities in occupation of any <br />portion of the Property shall comply with such non - conflicting laws and regulations as may from <br />time to tune be enacted or amended hereafter. Specifically, but without limitation on the foregoing, <br />such non - conflicting laws and regulations include the following: <br />
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