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and Savo Agoncy, City and Sundpohllo, and tltolr offloots, agents, and oniployoos, from any and all <br />clahns, demands, soils, actions, or proomihlgs ofany kind or naturo, Including, bill not by way of <br />limitatlon, workors' componsalion claims of or by anyone whomsoever, In any tray 1'osull#ng hont <br />the nogilgent or wrongAil acls or•oullssions of Nexus or ponova C.onlnions or their rospeotiYe <br />cinployees, agogtts or sttbootilractors, Iror itsoltand no ollro,; Satndpolnto agrcgs to lipid latumloss <br />Agoncy, City and their rospeotive officers, direclors, agents and ellipioyeos &oil and against nil <br />damages to proyody or irl1Ww to or doalit of any person or pemons, In any way resulting from iho <br />f ogligcnt or wrongful acts or otnlssfoiis ofNoxos or cionova Coniftim, or their roneolivs <br />employees, agonls or astibconiraotors-, This Agreement sliall not bo Intorproted or consisued to <br />obllgalo Swidpolnlo, its offlaers, direolors or egonls, or the Neighborhood to defend, Indonuilty or <br />to answer in any way for lino Agonoy tfta City or thole respootivo ofrtleom, directors, agetiis or <br />employees for 911th claims, <br />D. Prier to file coinmencettienl ofconitiltolloll,Nexus drany otherpadyworkbig <br />wlibin the real property of tho City or Agonoy, olitill obtain al it$ 5010 Cost and file Willi file City And <br />Agonoy, and malnlain for the period covered by Ibis Agreement, a poltoy or polioios ofllabliity, <br />Insurance or it eortiflonte ofstiolt insuronco, consistent with this Agroement, naming Agency, tho <br />City and Sandpointe, tholr oliicors, direotors, agonls, and ompioyees, as insured or addlitonsl <br />Insured, which provides coverage not less than that provided In tfto form of a coniprohorlslvo <br />gonorat liability Ittsurfutco policy against liability for any acrd till olalnns and sullq for ditm, -tM or <br />Injuries to persons or property resulting fi'oin or arising out of operations of ]Nexus, Its officers, <br />directors, egonw, oromployces. Sold policy orpotioios of insumnao shell provide covoratgo for both <br />bodily lujutp a1111propotty (1,1111880 In not loss than 0110Mlllton ]Dollars ($1,000,000) combined <br />single llmil, or Ito equivalent, Said policy or poitoles shall also contain a provlslon thnt no <br />torminallon, ctutccllallon, or chautgo of eovorugo oftnaurcd s11811 ho ufll.otivo until PRor lbirty, (30) <br />days naf ioo (itoreoflins been givon In wrl ling to City and Agency. Nexus shall give to Agonoy and <br />City prompt and lin►oly notice ofclaltn mado or still instltitted arising out of Nexus operations <br />heremidor. Nexus may procure and mahtlohl, tat its own oast sold expense, ony eddilional kinds wed <br />amounts ofinsumneo, wltloh In its own,ludgniont may bonecessaty for Its proper proteotlon i ►I iho <br />proswitlion of Vie wont, All hisurailea poileles shall be writton by rosponsiblo and solvent <br />lnsuwice companies and shall Include, wi addiiionnt Insured cndurse►ncrrt ini substanlially the form <br />of Bxhlblt D, attached hereto and incorporated heroin by Ibis rofcrettce <br />COMPi'.YANCI3 VATO COVTsTtM13NTAi, RflQUIIt13iv1SNT,S. <br />Nexus shall carry out the designpconal,roodon, and operation of tho Noxils Lnprovomonis in <br />aubslanllal oonfornitly will) oil tapltlleablo laws, ordluatnces, slatutas, nodes, rules, regulatlons, <br />orders, and doorees of the Vigled Slates, into State of California, ilie County of Oran$o, the City, or <br />any other politioai subdivision in which the Property Is located, and of a►►y oliterpollHeal <br />subdivlsloit, agonoy, orinstnimtrtnolity oxerclsing jiirisdtcttai over Ile City orNoxas, inaludhig all <br />apnlIeable federal, sloto, and local occupation, snfoty and lioalth laws, ratios, rogulaHrnrs anti <br />standards, applloabfo stato acid laborsiandm-da, applloablo provallbtg wagorequirowents, the City <br />ironing and dovolopinent standards, City pemlile slid approvals, building, plumbing, ineolianloal <br />EXHIBIT D <br />Ordinance No. N8,2080 7 <br />PA0a 30 of t33 - <br />