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16. ' BFFJ3CTlVE DATB ANID THRM OF A()RH13MBNT <br />Tlils Agreontent shall take offeot from fled aRor (ho dato of adoption and approval by the <br />City and tM Agonoy pursuant to o1'flolal action oftitogoverning bodias thorcofand shall ho <br />effeoilve wail oomplellon and noel }lance of iho Nextts•Improvomonts and Publicly - Owned <br />Tinprovoments; IfClelteva Commons is approved by the City find Nexus is not, then Geneva <br />Conunons shall take over Nablus' obligations to eonstniet a pwilon oftho Naxos Improvettiouts <br />under this Agrcomcnt, buf shall bo requirrd to (1) meet iv d confor wlih Iho Agonoy aid Sandpointo, <br />and using the order of tboNomm hnprovemonls speoilled In Exhibit o a guide, doslgnatewidol► <br />of tl ►o Noxus Improvomculs shall bo coustwoled using Genova Commons twonty -fl ve percent <br />(25 %) shara of [he csihmted cost of the Iotal Nexus I'n►provontcnts, And (ii) llto partlos agroo raid <br />aoknowledge that all roioronoos lioroln to Noxus ohall'ba doomed to beroforeneus to Genova <br />Conunons, TMoxus is approved and Goneva Commons Is not, then Noxu4, tho Agonoy and <br />Sandpohito shall moot and confor In good faith, and using the order of theNoxus Improvomonts <br />speolfled in Milblt. A ae a guldo, dosianote whioh of 1110 - Nexus Improvemenls AMU oortatwated <br />using Noxus sovonty- ftvopereont (754/0) (limo of tllo estilimted cost of Illo lolal Nexus <br />Tmprovottlonls, <br />17. COMMBNCBMBNT UATR <br />For pm-poses of tads Agreonzont tho tom► °Conunencomont Uato" shall refor to the period <br />alter issuance of City enfillomonts and shall be deemed to boa date ignely (90) days after the <br />Issuance of ontitlotnonis to Nexus and Cerium Commons (whichever comes later), lice <br />Conuitoucen►cnt Onto shaft be tolled should it valid reforondntn potllion be prosontcd ohallenglug <br />oilhor project, or tin►oly tiligaHo►i be tiled and served ehallcnging any oftho entltlontents,)noluding <br />approval pursuant to the Callfondn Bnvlrontnontal Quality Aar, <br />18, INTRORATION <br />Tlds Agreement Integrates all of the terms rind conditions mentioned horein or iricfdontal harola, <br />and supersedes all nogoliatlons or provious agroomont betwoon Ihopadlos with rospool to all or <br />any the maltose addrossed haroln, All walvMrs of the provisions of this Agreement ►trust be In <br />writing and sighed by the opproprlale. authorities of the parties, and all amendnionis hereto niusl <br />be in willing and signed by Iho appropriate nuthorillos of the panics, <br />19, ASSIONM13NT <br />Noxus and Geneva Commons shall have iho right to transfer or assign this Agrcomont, in <br />whole, to any person, Wilily (public or private), partnenf 1p, johtt venture, firm or eorporatloa <br />who is the ownar of the road property roforonced in tho Reoltol lierato at any [into during the tern <br />of this Agroomont, provided, however, the rigltls of Noxus or Ceneva Commons under 11118 <br />Agrcon►ont may not be transferred or ausigned unloss lire ►vritten consent of il►e City Counoll is <br />first obtpined And ally tri ttsfor or assigiufrenl of tho rights under this Agreoment shall Inotudo lit <br />BXHLBIT D <br />prdlnanoo No. NS -2890 i t <br />Page 40 of 61 <br />