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Amendment to the Agreement <br />With Cordoba Corporation for Step 2 Environmental <br />Analysis for the Fixed Guideway Project <br />June 18, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />additional document review cycles; and thus, increased time was needed to complete <br />the project, resulting in added costs. Additionally, a major sub consultant, URS <br />Corporation (URS), who was responsible for preparation of the Environmental Analysis <br />for the project was unable to deliver the environmental documents in a timely manner <br />and of a quality acceptable to the City and the OCTA. Facing the expiration of their <br />agreement, URS was unwilling to execute a contract extension with Cordoba without an <br />accompanying budget amendment. Unable to negotiate acceptable agreement terms <br />with Cordoba, the URS's contract was allowed to expire on February 29, 2012. <br />Consequently, on April 16, 2012, the City contacted OCTA regarding the budget <br />shortfall and the additional funds needed to complete Step 2. On May 14, 2012 the <br />OCTA Board approved advancing $488,000 from Step 3 to Step 2 at the City's request <br />to cover the additional costs associated with extra efforts needed to complete the <br />environmental documents for the project. <br />Cordoba has proposed to contract with another firm, Terry A. Hayes Associates <br />(TAHA), to complete the environmental document for the project in a timely and cost- <br />effective manner. TAHA has considerable, recent experience in preparing <br />environmental documents for rail transit projects for the Los Angeles County <br />Metropolitan Transportation Authority and for FTA Region 9. Based on TAHA's recent <br />track record, Cordoba is confident that they will deliver the DEIR/EA on time, within <br />budget, and consistent with City and OCTA quality standards. <br />Staff reviewed Cordoba's request for additional funds (Exhibit 1) and substitution of their <br />sub-consultant with TAHA, and believes an amendment to the agreement is required to <br />complete the project in a timely manner and comply with the terms of the OCTA's <br />cooperative agreements. This second amendment for $332,491 will bring the total <br />contract amount to date to $5,278,315. <br />The next steps of the project include the Alternatives Analysis which is nearing <br />completion for submittal to the FTA for review and approval. In addition, a Draft EIR/EA <br />and the supporting technical studies are undergoing final revision for submittal to the <br />FTA for technical and legal sufficiency review prior to public release. Both of these tasks <br />are expected to be completed in Spring 2013. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />25D-2