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Section 4(f) Technical Report <br />Section 106 Report <br />Admin Draft EIR/EA for submittal to FTA <br />10.6 Draft EIR/EA <br />The Cordoba Team will prepare a Draft EIR/EA in response to the comments received from <br />FTA on the Admin Draft document. As described above, this may involve a single combined <br />document or two stand alone documents. The Draft document(s) will be provided to the <br />Cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove and to OCTA in electronic format for review. <br />Following approval by the cities and OCTA, the draft EIR/EA will be circulated for public <br />comment. The Cordoba Team will provide twenty-five hard copies and up to fifty electronic <br />copies on CD of the document (formatted as PDF with links within the document to the table <br />of contents for internet posting) to the City of Santa Ana. The Cordoba Team will prepare an <br />Initial Draft Executive Summary of the full document for review by the cities of Santa Ana and <br />Garden Grove. Following City review, we will incorporate comments and provide an <br />electronic version of the Draft Executive Summary to OCTA/PMO for review. OCTA's <br />comments will be incorporated and following final review and approval, the Executive <br />Summary will be provided to the cities in both hard copy and electronic format. We will <br />attend and participate in two public workshops that will be held as part of the project's Public <br />Hearings. <br />Deliverables: Draft EIR/EA (50 508-compliant CDs and 25 hard copies) <br />1St Draft Executive Summary (electronic) <br />2nd Draft Executive Summary (electronic) <br />Final Draft Executive Summary (electronic and 25 hard copies) <br />TASK 11.0 FINAL EIR <br />The objective of this task is to complete the CEQA process through the preparation of the <br />FEIR. <br />11.1 Responses to Comments <br />Written responses to the comments received on the Draft EIR/EA that raise significant <br />environmental issues will be prepared and submitted to the cities of Santa Ana and Garden <br />Grove for review. Responses to comments will be included with the Final EIR. It is not <br />anticipated that EIR comments will require extensive research or development of the <br />responses. <br />Deliverables: Public comment summary matrix; Individual Comment Responses <br />(assumes up to 50 total letters with 200 total comments) <br />11.2 Final EIR and NOD <br />The Cordoba team will revise the DEIR to reflect changes in project definition and elements <br />as a result of responses to comments from the public and agencies received during the <br />circulation of the DEIR and testimony from the Public Hearings. This includes updates to all <br />DEIR chapters as needed for the FEIR. The Cordoba team will coordinate updates with the <br />City of Santa Ana staff and other jurisdictions as required. We will prepare an Administrative <br />FEIR for the City of Santa Ana review and a revised document that incorporates the <br />comments received from the cities of Santa Ana and Garden Grove. <br />25D-13