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COST <br />8. Annual Fee. The Customer shall pay Company an Annual License Subscription, Support and <br />Maintenance Fee for which support is being provided (see Schedule B for base Annual <br />Subscription, Support and Maintenance Fee). Annual Subscription, Support and Maintenance Fee <br />for the first (1") year is due upon execution of this agreement and will then reoccur on the <br />anniversary date of the execution of this agreement for each year thereafter. For a period of three <br />(3) years following execution of this Subscription and Support Agreement, the Annual Fee shall <br />not increase by more than 5% of the previous year's Annual Subscription, Support and <br />Maintenance Fee. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, Company shall have the <br />right at each anniversary date to review population served by Customer and adjust the Annual <br />Subscription, Support and Maintenance Fee to the commensurate amount. All requests by the <br />Customer for additional features or functionality that fall outside of Company's ongoing policy of <br />upgrading the Software will be quoted separately. <br />Late Payments. All invoices will be sent at least thirty (30) days prior to their due date. Payments <br />received forty five (45) days after their due date will be assessed a 10% late fee. <br />9. Taxes. In addition to other amounts payable under this Subscription and Support Agreement, <br />Customer shall pay any and all federal, state, municipal, or other taxes, duties, fees, or withholding <br />currently or subsequently imposed on Customer's use of the Software or the payment of the <br />License Subscription Fee to Company, other than taxes assessed against Company's net income. <br />Such taxes, duties, fees, withholding, or other charges shall be paid by Customer or Customer shall <br />provide the appropriate authority with evidence of exemption from such tax, duty, fee, <br />withholding, or charge. If Company is required to pay any such tax, duty, fee, or charge, or to <br />withhold any amount from monies due to Company from Customer pursuant to this Subscription <br />and Support Agreement, Customer shall promptly reimburse Company any such amounts. <br />CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATION <br />10. The Customer Agrees to: <br />(a) Furnish descriptions of problem(s) in the form reasonably requested by Company Support <br />representatives; <br />(b) Assist Company's efforts to reproduce the problem(s) in the applicable operating <br />environment, and <br />(c) Make available qualified, trained staff on-site to carry out Company's instructions and/or <br />provide remote access to system(s) as requested by Company. <br />11. The Customer shall designate a sole Support Contact to provide routine end user support for the <br />Customer personnel concerning the Product. <br />12. The Customer shall take appropriate steps to educate its end users about the need to contact the <br />Support Contact (rather than Company directly) when support is needed. The Customer shall <br />appropriately publicize the name, telephone number, and/or fax number and/or electronic mail <br />address if applicable, of the Support Contact. <br />Coplogic - DORS Software Subscription, Support and Maintenance Agreement <br />3 <br />251-5