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Exhibit C <br />Continued <br /> PROCEEDS NON-PROCEEDS <br />REVENUE OF TAXES OF TAXES TOTALS <br />LOCALLY RAISED: <br />Licenses and Permits 4,262,440 4,262,440 <br />Franchise Fees 8,125,905 8,125,905 <br />Development Fees 0 <br />Fines and Forfeitures 7,503,437 7,503,437 <br />Charges for Services 14,373,102 14,373,102 <br />Parks and Recreations 16,500 16,500 <br />From Use of Property 15,073,810 15,073,810 <br />Others 118,899 118,899 <br />Others - Inter-Agency 8,667,180 8,667,180 <br />Total Locally Raised 58,141,273 58,141,273 <br /> <br />OTHER MISCELLANEOUS: <br />Donation 160,270 160,270 <br />Sale of Junk and Property 67,247 67,247 <br />Attorney Reimbursements 978,930 978,930 <br />Expense Reimbursements 3,316,111 3,316,111 <br />Indirect Cost Recovery 2,094,556 2,094,556 <br />From Prior Year Fund Balances 1,327,225 1,327,225 <br />Refuse Program Saving 1,351,500 1,351,500 <br />Interfund Transfers 3,101,760 3,101,760 <br />Total Other Miscellaneous 0 12,397,599 12,397,599 <br /> <br />FROM USE OF MONEY: <br />Earnings on Investment 140,833 184,267 325,100 <br /> <br />TOTAL REVENUES $ 136,421,431 $ 154,270,199 $ 290,691,630 <br />55F-9