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Q"`qty __ of Villa Park <br />17855 Santiago Boulevard, Villa York, California 92861-418 7 <br />t?14) 998-1500 - Fax. (,14) 998-1508 <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />n,r%r. villapark. org <br />A few months ago, the City of Villa Park switched over to Athens Services for the City's new <br />street sweeping contract. Immediately within those past few months, the City has been pleased <br />with the high level of service and personal attention that Athens Services has provided. <br />Even the City's residents have called in or stopped by City Hall to express their appreciation of <br />the wonderful job Athens Service has been doing. In the years I have worked at the City of Villa <br />Park, such appreciation from the residents is rare especially for services that most residents <br />would take for granted. This positive resident feedback is a first-hand testimony to Athens' <br />commitment to go above and beyond the minimum requirements. <br />Furthermore, it is worthy to note that Athens Services consistently follows up with the City to <br />make sure that the City and its residents are satisfied with the street sweeping services. The staff <br />at Athens Services has shown their willingness to accept feedback and to react accordingly. <br />From the City's perspective, we have been more than satisfied by the level of street sweeping <br />services that Athens Services has provided. I have no reservations in recommending Athens to <br />other local governments for their street sweeping needs. <br />Sincerely, <br />CITY OF V4LA PARK., <br />J" Hildenbrand <br />Assistant City Manager / City Clerk <br />W. BILL MAC: ALONL-Y, Mayor - W. RICHARD ULMER. Mayor Pro Tem <br />DEBORAH PAUL Y. Councilmember - BRAD RF.ESF. Councilmember - JIM RHEINS. Councilmember <br />25H-77