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4. SECURITY DEPOSIT <br />Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement. Promoter shall deposit with City the <br />additional sum of $5.000.00 as a security deposit. The deposit shall be held by City. without liability for <br />interest. as security for the faithful performance by Promoter of all the terns, covenants, and conditions of <br />this Agreement to be kept and performed by Promoter during the Term of this Agreement, or any <br />extension thereof, and including the removal of Promoter's facilities as set forth herein. Assuming <br />successful completion of all terms and conditions of this Agreement,. including those within the RFP, the <br />security deposit. or any remaining portion thereof and any unused fees shall be returned within 60 days <br />of the final carnival activity provided for in the RFP. <br />5. TERM <br />This Agreement shall commence on the date first written above and terminate on December 31, <br />2012 unless tenninated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. The term of this Agreement may be <br />extended for an additional 1 year term at the City's sole discretion through a writing executed by the <br />Executive Director of the Parks Recreations and Community Services Agency and the City Attorney. <br />6. NON -POSSESSORY INTEREST <br />Civy retains full possession of the Park and Carnival Area and Promoter will not acquire any <br />interest temporary. pennanent. irrevocable, possessor or otherwise by reason of this Agreement. or by <br />the exercise of the permission given herein. Promoter will make no claim to any such interest. Any <br />violation of this provision will immediately void and terminate this Agreement. <br />NON RECORDING <br />Neither party shall record this Agreement <br />8. RECORD KEEPING AND AUDIT <br />A. Promoter shall establish and maintain separate accounting records for each Carnival <br />Event at the specified Parks. Promoter's accounting system shall conform to generally- accepted <br />accounting principles and all records shall provide a breakdown of total costs and revenues associated <br />with the Park Carnival Events. <br />B. All Promoter's records of revenues and repairs pertaining to the Carnival Events <br />referenced herein shall be kept for the duration of this Agreement and made available at all times for audit <br />by Cite upon request <br />9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR <br />Promoter shall, during the entire term of this Agreement. be construed to be an independent <br />contractor and not an employee of the City. This Agreement is not intended nor shall it be construed to <br />create an employer-employee relationship. a joint venture relationship_ or to allow the City to exercise <br />discretion or control over the professional manner in which Promoter performs the services which are the <br />subject matter of this Agreement: however, the services to be provided by Promoter shall be provided in a <br />manner consistent with all applicable standards and regulations governing such services. Promoter shall <br />pay all salaries and wages.. employer's social security taxes, unemployment insurance and similar taxes <br />relating to employees and shall be responsible for 0 applicable withholding taxes. <br />