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In the event of condemnation. unless Promoter is allowed by the condemning authority to <br />continue its operations in the Carnival Area, this Agreement shall terminate as of the date title to the <br />Property vests in the condemning authority or Promoter is required to cease its operations. whichever is <br />earlier. If any property described herein or hereinafter added hereto is taken in eminent domain. the entire <br />award shall be paid to Cite. <br />19. TERMINATION <br />This Agreement may be terminated by the Cite without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice <br />of tennination. City may terminate this Agreement for cause upon three (3) days written notice for any <br />violation of the terms contained herein. <br />20. DEFAULT BY PROMOTER <br />Should Promoter default in the performance of any of the terms. conditions_ or obligations <br />contained in this Agreement, City may. in addition to the remedies specified elsewhere in this Agreement <br />and the attached RFP. re-enter and regain possession of the Carnival Area in the manner provided bN the <br />laws of unlawful detainer of the State of California then in effect. <br />21. INSOLVENCY OF PROMOTER <br />The insolvency of Promoter as evidenced by a receiver being appointed to take possession of all <br />or substantialiv all of the property of Promoter. or the making of a general assignment for the benefit of <br />creditors by Promoter, or the filing of a petition in bankruptcy shall terminate this Agreement and entitle <br />Cite to re-enter and regain possession of the Carnival Area. <br />22. CUMULATIVE REMEDIES <br />The remedies given to Cite in this Agreement shall not be exclusive. but shall be cumulative and <br />in addition to all remedies now and hereafter allowed by law or elsewhere provided in this Agreement. <br />23. WAIVER OF BREACH <br />The waiver by City of anv breach by Promoter of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall <br />not constitute a continuing waiver or a waiver of any subsequent breach by Promoter either of the same or <br />another provision of this Agreement. <br />24. CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE <br />Promoter covenants that it presently has no interests and shall not have interests. direct or <br />indirect, «vhich would conflict in any manner with performance of services specified under this <br />Agreement. <br />25. NOTICE <br />Anv notice. tender, demand, delivery. or other communication pursuant to this Agreement shall <br />be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given if delivered in person or mailed by first class or <br />certified mail. postage prepaid, addressed to the party concerned as follows: <br />To City: Clerk of the City Council <br />Cite of Santa Ana <br />