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Future Efforts <br />• Open government is a never - ending learning process. <br />• The City will continue to work to make the City's website more useful <br />for the public. (Average daily hits is 2,000- 2,400) <br />• We welcome the public's input and will make every effort to <br />incorporate suggestions. <br />• To provide comments or suggest additional methods to improve <br />transparency at City Hall, please contact the City Manager's Office or <br />use the City's web - portal. <br />COMMENTS <br />90A CITY MANAGER'S COMMENTS <br />City Manager Walters thanked Public Information Officer Gonzalez and <br />City staff for transparency efforts. <br />90B CITY COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Benavides: <br />• Invited residents to sign up to receive regular updates on City events; <br />• Would like to re- establish Hispanic Affairs Department in the Police <br />Department; and <br />• Encouraged all to support local businesses and shop in Santa Ana. <br />Councilmember Martinez: <br />• Thanked SACReD and other coalitions for desire to participate in the <br />democratic process and Councilmember Tinajero for proposing <br />Sunshine Ordinance; thanked City staff for meeting and considering <br />ordinance; public education academy's may help residents learn about <br />the government workings; <br />• Thanked Parks and Recreation Agency for implementing Prescription <br />Program in the City; monies received would directly benefit Parks <br />programs; and <br />• Noted that all Councilmembers elected to represent all Wards. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Alvarez: <br />• Stated that lawsuit filed on Measure D for the courts to decide and <br />receive a fair and impartial decision and application to all <br />councilmembers; members that have spoken against issue are same <br />people; and <br />• Noted commendable experience and public service of Max Madrid; <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 18 JULY 16, 2012 <br />ii[ll_d_E:� <br />