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they have concerns over the city and vis versa the city council that we may not be on <br />the same page on certain issues but its ok because at the end of the day we still <br />need to move forward and some things are going to pass and some things are not. <br />• 1 just want to end by thanking our residents for continuing to push the limits of this <br />city, I'm very proud of all of you for really standing tall. When you have an issue <br />you're calling now you're coming here and you're addressing the issues. For a long <br />time when I got on this city council in 2007 1 didn't think that I was going to see that <br />because it was so slow people were just so upset they weren't getting involved <br />you're starting to see more and more people getting engaged and thank goodness <br />for media, social media you have Facebook, media outlets that information is being <br />able to come to your fingertips in seconds and I think its fabulous and its great and <br />hopefully that we continue to use those tools to provide the information that is <br />needed for the residents to take action and <br />• 1 just want to end by wishing all of you a very safe 4th of July and please be safe out <br />there. And to all the kids, please do not point illegal fireworks at kids or other people, <br />for people to get injured, having fires we don't need any of that, I think if we can <br />have a safe 4th of July it would be in the best interest of all our residents -iere in the <br />City of Santa Ana. Wishing you guys the best of the 4th. Thank You. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 23 JULY 16, 2012 <br />1 OA -23 <br />