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SANTA ANA CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE <br />PUBLIC SAFETY <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />April 24, 2012 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />The meeting was convened at 6:00 P.M. at Santa Ana Police Department, 60 Civic Center Plaza, Police <br />Community Room, Santa Ana, California. <br />ATTENDANCE <br />Council members present: Claudia Alvarez, Sal Tinajero, and David Benavides <br />Staff present: Police Chief Paul Walters, Fire Chief Dave Thomas, Assistant City Attorneys Teresa Judd <br />and Melissa Crosthwaite, Deputy Chief Carlos Rojas, Commander Ken Gominsky, Jay Trevino, Alvaro <br />Nunez, Commander James Schnabl, and Loretta Tafoya, Recording Secretary. <br />Public sign -ins: Rene D. Guzman, Avid Reichert, Karen Blue, Tom Cannon, Monica Molina, Julie Stroud, <br />Connie Hamilton, Irma Macias, Rosa Aldaz, Evelyn Rodriguez, Angie Higared, Cristina Damian, Sharon <br />Portman, Helen Cannon, Sharon Tipton, Jerry Vargas, John Franks. <br />SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS <br />1. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />• Steve M. Guigan from the Westend COP is disappointed that Santa Ana is known for <br />their marijuana dispensaries. He stated that the fire department and police department <br />should also be working together with the dispensaries regarding public safety issues. He <br />also mentioned how upset he was with the marijuana machine. <br />• Sharon Portman stated she has lived in Santa Ana for over 50 years, and she loves the <br />fact that it is a diverse community. She never heard of any problems with any disease. <br />• Helen Cannon stated she had taken surveys throughout the county and has not come <br />across any complaints. <br />• Karen Blue also supports the Chicken Ordinance. She has a neighbor that has chickens <br />and has not had any problems. <br />• Monica Molina supports the Chicken Ordinance and is hoping the footage between <br />dwellings is reduced. <br />• Sharon Tipton has concerns regarding the Camping Ordinance. She worries about the <br />homeless getting ticketed when they have no place to sleep. She has done informal <br />study that showed there are no beds for single men. She would like an amendment to <br />the camping ordinance so the City can provide the homeless to get assistance. <br />• Grace Ouach supported the Chicken Ordinance. She has them with her children and has <br />never has had a problem with illness. Grace brought a board with pictures showing her <br />children playing with the chickens and showing the difference between store bought eggs <br />and eggs from her chickens that she raises at home. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Minutes of the January 24, 2012 meeting approved. <br />SEX OFFENDER ORDINANCE <br />Committee member Claudia Alvarez stated the City of Santa Ana is the first city in the county to <br />have a Sex Offender Ordinance. Committee member Claudia Alvarez thanked Assistant City <br />Attorney Teresa Judd and Police Chief Paul Walters for the work on the Ordinance. Committee <br />member Alvarez presented a TV clip that was shown six years ago on the new sex offender <br />ordinance. <br />13A -3 <br />