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When this Bond has been fumishad to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location of the Project, any provision in <br />this Bond conflicting wrth said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions conforming to such <br />statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. When so furnished, the intent is that this Bond shall be <br />construed as a statutory bond antl not as a common law bontl. <br />Signed and sealed this 23rd day of July, 2012. <br />Green iant Landscape, Inc. <br />P 'ncipa!) (Corporate Sea/) <br />Witness) <br />(Titl ®) <br />Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company <br />(S�11 (Corporate Seal) <br />(Aftomey -in -Fact) Linda D. Coats <br />ranted m cooperation write the American lnstltute of Archftecfs (gtgJ <br />The language M th/s document confiorms to fhe lerguage cued in AfA Ooeumeni A310 y- 20'10. <br />