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GLOSSARY OF WIA TERM <br />AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT — A law passed by Congress in 1975 which prohibits discrimination on <br />the basis of age by any program or activity receiving Federal Funds. <br />APPLICANT — An individual who applies to a subrecipient or contract for services provided under <br />WIA and who has not yet transitioned to the status of participant. <br />ASSESSMENT — Services designed to determine each participant's employability, aptitudes, abilities <br />and interests and to develop a plan to achieve the participant's employment and related goals; also to <br />identify the available employment and traning activities appropriate for the participant. Testing and <br />counseling may also be used during assessment process. <br />CHARGING PARTY (CP), COMPLAINANT, GRIEVANT, OR AGGRIEVED PERSON — The person <br />who charges that he/she has been discriminated against under Department of Justice <br />nondiscrimination and civil rights regulations and/or guidelines. <br />DISCRIMINATION — In general, a failure to treat all equally, whether intentional or unintentional; the <br />effect of an action, policy or practice which selects an individual or class of persons to receive <br />unequal treatment. <br />ELIGIBLE NON -CITIZEN — Lawfully admitted permanent resident, aliens, lawfully admitted refugees, <br />and parolees and other individuals authorized by the Attorney General to work in the United States. <br />EMPLOYER — An employer subject to the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, <br />including state and local governments and any Federal agency subjects to the provisions of Section <br />717 of the Civil Rights Act, as amended; and any Federal contractor or subcontractor covered by <br />executive Order 11246, as amended. <br />GRIEVANCE — An allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or burden or denies some <br />equitable or legal right, or causes injustice . <br />HANDICAPPED INDIVIDUAL — Any individual who has a physical or mental disability that constitutes <br />or results in a substantial handicap to employment. <br />INTAKE — Includes screening to determine eligibility; to select from eligible applicants those <br />individuals who are most in need and can benefit from program services; to complete procedural <br />requirements necessary to enroll an individual into the program and to refer those not enrolled to <br />other programs. <br />JOINT COMPLAINT — A complaint of employment discrimination covered by Title VII or the Equal <br />Pay Act and by Title VI or Title IX. Individual 'joint complaints" are normally investigated by EEOC <br />20 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />