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Contract No. ML11029 <br />B. CONTRACTOR has the opportunity to generate MSERCs as a by- product of the project if a portion of the <br />air quality benefits attributable to the project resulted from other funding sources. These MSERCs, which <br />are issued by AQMD, are based upon the quantified vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by project vehicles or <br />other activity data as appropriate. Therefore, a portion of prospective MSERCs, generated as a result of <br />AB 2766 Funds, must be retired. The portion of prospective credits funded by the AB 2766 program, and <br />which are subject to retirement, shall be referred to as "AB 2766- MSERCs." <br />C. The determination of AB 2766- MSERC's is to be prorated based upon the AB 2766 program's <br />contribution to the cost associated with the air quality benefits. In the case where AB 2766 Discretionary <br />Funds are used to pay for the full differential cost of a new alternative fuel vehicle or for the retrofitting or <br />repowering of an existing vehicle, all MSERCs attributable to AB 2766 Discretionary Funds must be <br />retired. The determination of AB 2766- MSERCs for infrastructure and other ancillary items is to be <br />prorated based upon the AB 2766 program's contribution to the associated air quality benefits. <br />Determination of the project's overall cost will be on a case -by -case basis at the time an MSERC <br />application is submitted. AQMD staff, at the time an MSERC application is submitted, will calculate total <br />MSERCs and retire the AB 2766 - MSERCs. CONTRACTOR would then receive the balance of the <br />MSERCs not associated with AB 2766 funding. <br />13. DISPLAY OF MSRC LOGO - CONTRACTOR agrees to permanently display one MSRC decal in a <br />prominent location on each vehicle purchased pursuant to this Contract. CONTRACTOR also agrees to <br />permanently display one MSRC decal in a prominent location on each fueling or charging station <br />constructed or upgraded pursuant to this Contract. Decals will be provided by MSRC upon notification that <br />subject fueling station equipment and /or vehicles are placed into service. Decals are approximately twelve <br />(12) inches in height and eighteen (18) inches in width (Note: a smaller decal may be provided if <br />CONTRACTOR demonstrates that application of the standard decal is not feasible). CONTRACTOR shall <br />maintain decal for life of vehicle or equipment subject to this Contract. Should any decal become damaged, <br />faded, or otherwise unreadable, CONTRACTOR shall request replacement decal from MSRC and apply new <br />decal in the same or other prominent location. MSRC shall not be responsible for damage to paint or other <br />vehicle surfaces arising from application or removal of decals. In addition, all promotional materials related to <br />the project, including, but not limited to, press kits, brochures and signs shall include the MSRC logo. Press <br />releases shall acknowledge MSRC financial support for the project. <br />14. REFUELING STATION OPERATIONAL AVAILABILITY — CONTRACTOR is obligated to comply with the <br />alternative -fuel refueling infrastructure Operational Availability requirements set forth as follows: <br />A. CONTRACTOR commits to ensuring fast -fill refueling stations remain operational and accessible to <br />public and /or fleets for a period of no less than five (5) years from the date the station begins dispensing <br />fuel in either its initial or expanded capacity. Should CONTRACTOR desire to deviate from this <br />obligation, for reasons other than those stated in Clause 83, above, CONTRACTOR shall reimburse <br />AQMD for a prorated share of the funds provided for fueling facilities as indicated in the table below: <br />5 year Operational Availability,0bligation <br />Termination Occurs <br />Percentage of MSRC Funds:, to be <br />Reimbursed <br />Within Year 1 <br />100% <br />Between Years 1 -2 <br />80% <br />Between Years 2 -3 <br />60% <br />Between Years 3 -4 <br />40% <br />Between Years 4 -5 <br />20% <br />After Year 5 <br />0% <br />4 <br />