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Contract No. ML11029 <br />28. PRECONTRACT COSTS - Any costs incurred by CONTRACTOR prior to CONTRACTOR receipt of a fully <br />executed Contract shall be incurred solely at the risk of the CONTRACTOR. In the event that a formal <br />Contract is not executed, neither the MSRC nor the AQMD shall be liable for any amounts expended in <br />anticipation of a formal Contract. If a formal Contract does result, precontract cost expenditures authorized <br />by the Contract will be reimbursed in accordance with the cost schedule and payment provision of the <br />Contract. <br />29. PREVAILING WAGES — CONTRACTOR is alerted to the prevailing wage requirements of California Labor <br />Code section 1770 et seq. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the AQMD's <br />headquarters, of which shall be made available to any interested party on request. Notwithstanding the <br />preceding sentence, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for determining the applicability of the provisions <br />of California Labor Code and complying with the same, including, without limitation, obtaining from the <br />Director of the Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the <br />general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work, making the same available to any interested party <br />upon request, paying any applicable prevailing rates, posting copies thereof at the job site and flowing all <br />applicable prevailing wage rate requirements to its subcontractors. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend <br />and hold harmless the South Coast Air Quality Management District against any and all claims, demands, <br />damages, defense costs or liabilities based on failure to adhere to the above referenced statutes. <br />30. CHANGE TERMS - Changes to any part of this Contract must be requested in writing by CONTRACTOR, <br />submitted to AQMD and approved by MSRC in accordance with MSRC policies and procedures. <br />CONTRACTOR must make such request a minimum of 90 days prior to desired effective date of change. All <br />modifications to this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. <br />31. ENTIRE CONTRACT - This Contract represents the entire agreement between the parties hereto related to <br />CONTRACTOR providing services to AQMD and there are no understandings, representations, or <br />warranties of any kind except as expressly set forth herein. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of <br />the provisions herein shall be binding on any party unless in writing and signed by the party against whom <br />enforcement of such waiver, alteration, or modification is sought. The Statement of Work - Attachment 1, <br />The Payment Schedule - Attachment 2, and Supporting Documentation - Attachment 3, are incorporated by <br />reference herein and made a part hereof. <br />32. AUTHORITY - The signator hereto represents and warrants that he or she is authorized and empowered <br />and has the legal capacity to execute this Contract and to legally bind CONTRACTOR both in an operational <br />and financial capacity and that the requirements and obligations under this Contract are legally enforceable <br />and binding on CONTRACTOR. <br />[The Remainder of this Page is Intentionally Left Blank] <br />