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OC Children's Therapeutic Arts Center 2012 -13 Proposal Narrative for YSPN Membership <br />Education <br />Tutor or <br />Learning Academy at <br />OCCTAC & Host Curriculum <br />This program prepares students for in -depth training in <br />Instructional Assistant <br />OCCTAC & community sites <br />executive secretary /administrative assistant positions. The <br />Education <br />Teaching Assistant <br />Early Intervention/ <br />First Five Early Childhood <br />success in a high employment occupational field. The program <br />Early Start Program at <br />curriculum, High Scope & "Hands on <br />develops skills in research, report and correspondence <br />OCCTAC <br />Training" <br />Arts <br />Teaching Assistant <br />After - School Arts Program <br />CA Performing Arts Standards <br />service and telephone techniques, and other advanced office <br />at OCCTAC <br />Curriculum and "Hands -on" Arts <br />procedures. <br />Mental Health <br />Training <br />Technology <br />Technology Assistant <br />Computers /Media LAB at <br />SAC & OCCTAC curriculums <br />Certificate Program <br />Graphic Artist <br />OCCTAC & Santa Ana <br />and "Hands -on" Photoshop & <br />health disorders and the philosophy of delivery of mental <br />Thursdays <br />Business Owners <br />Illustrator, graphic design, etc. <br />10. Indicate how the program uses innovative teaching strategies to improve numeracy and literacy. Our <br />program uses imnovative teaching strategies that focus on creative approaches to engage participants in the <br />learning process. Our literacy and math tutors also provide individual tutoring with the WIA participants that <br />are basic skills deficient. Every year, OCCTAC has been successful in increasing the numeracy and literacy <br />rates of WIA participants! Furthermore, OCCTAC's Learning Academy Program provides WIA participants <br />the opportunity to tutor younger children in our "Learning Lab" so they can apply the skills that their mentors/ <br />tutors are teaching them. The learning lab is not only a great vehicle for WIA participants to practice what they <br />have learned, but also a great vehicle to enhance their self - esteem, boost their confidence and learn leadership <br />skills! <br />11. Describe how the program assists youth in attaining employment or entering post- secondary <br />education. The WIA case manager and career counselor meets regularly with each WIA youth to discuss job <br />leads, employment opportunities and post- secondary education. The case manager helps youth with <br />employment and the career counselor helps youth with entering post- secondary education. As mentioned <br />previously, OCCTAC has a strong partnership with the Santa Ana College and other local colleges. <br />12. Indicate how the program will connect youth to resources that will help them earn an accredited <br />credential or certificate or diploma. OCCTAC currently offers WIA participants 3 state certificate programs <br />at our agency in partnership with the Santa Ana College and Pacific Clinics. WIA participants are encouraged to <br />enroll in any of those certificate programs. Please see below: 1) the Mental Health Paraprofessional Certificate <br />Program in partnership with Pacific Clinics, 2) the Administrative/ Executive Assistant Certificate Program in <br />partnership with the Santa Ana College, and 3) the Child Care Provider Certificate Program in partnership with <br />the Santa Ana College. In addition, OCCTAC began a new partnership this year with SIATech to provide <br />alternative secondary school services to participants that need to earn their high school diploma. SIATech is <br />housed at our agency to provide easy access to participants on a daily basis. <br />TABLE 3: State Certificate Programs at OCCTAC in Dartnershin with SAC & Pacific Clinics: <br />PROGRAM <br />DESCRIPTION <br />Days /Times <br />Executive Administrative <br />This program prepares students for in -depth training in <br />M,T,W, Thurs <br />Assistant Certificate Program <br />executive secretary /administrative assistant positions. The <br />open- entry /open exit, competency -based format promotes <br />4:00 — 8:30 pm <br />success in a high employment occupational field. The program <br />develops skills in research, report and correspondence <br />preparation, advanced computer software applications, <br />database management, interactive presentations, customer <br />service and telephone techniques, and other advanced office <br />procedures. <br />Mental Health <br />Students learn basic skills for employment as a <br />Tuesdays <br />Paraprofessional <br />Paraprofessional mental health worker. They acquire <br />(6:00 — 9:00 pm) <br />Certificate Program <br />knowledge about the treatment of psychological and behavioral <br />health disorders and the philosophy of delivery of mental <br />Thursdays <br />health services to improve entry into this field. This certificate <br />(6:00 — 9:00 pm) <br />program develops competency for vocational success that <br />Exhibit A <br />4 <br />