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City of Santa Ana <br />Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan <br />July 2012 <br />III. BACKGROUND <br />Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq. and its implementing <br />regulations provide that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, <br />color, or national origin under any program or activity that receives federal financial <br />assistance. In order to avoid discrimination against LEP persons on the grounds of national <br />origin, we must take reasonable steps to ensure that such persons have meaningful access <br />to the programs, services, and information. <br />Language barriers prohibit LEP persons from obtaining services and information relating to a <br />variety of services and programs because they may not be able to read instructions or <br />correspondence written in English and may not understand verbal information. Many times, <br />they are not aware of regulatory requirements and legal implications of the services they <br />seek. When LEP persons receive legal documents, they often do not understand the contents <br />of the correspondence and its implication to their daily lives. LEP persons may not be able to <br />take advantage of services, which could affect their job and social opportunities. When <br />individuals do not understand or read English, they can be hampered in seeking employment <br />opportunities. <br />IV. GOALS <br />It is essential that City staff be informed about their diverse clientele from a linguistic, <br />cultural and social perspective. These individuals will be culturally competent so they can <br />encourage vulnerable LEP minority populations to access and receive appropriate services <br />with more knowledge and confidence. The key to providing meaningful access to LEP <br />persons is to ensure that LEP persons can communicate effectively and act appropriately <br />based on that communication. Minimum reasonable measures would be to ensure that LEP <br />persons are given adequate information, are able to understand that information, and are <br />able to participate effectively in programs or activities. <br />Spanish and Vietnamese are the two most requested languages for interpreters in the City of <br />Santa Ana. City staff will make designated publications available in languages other than <br />English and provide interpretation/translation services to persons who are not proficient in <br />English. <br />The City will take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons are given adequate <br />information, are able to understand that information, and are able to participate effectively <br />in recipient programs or activities, where appropriate. <br />13 <br />25B-53