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City of Santa Ana <br />Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan <br />July 2012 <br />temporarily employing a qualified interpreter who can communicate in the <br />appropriate language. <br />• Notices and information that are generally available to the public will be made <br />available to identified LEP populations. <br />• Establish uniform procedures for timely and effective telephone communication <br />between staff and LEP persons. This will include instructions for English-only- <br />speaking employees to obtain assistance from interpreters or bilingual staff when <br />receiving calls from or initiating calls to LEP persons. <br />• Statements about the services available and the right to free language assistance <br />services, in appropriate non-English languages, will be included in brochures, <br />booklets, outreach and recruitment information and other materials that are <br />routinely disseminated to the public. <br />• Ensure that translated materials provide referrals to telephone numbers or websites <br />that are linguistically accessible (e.g., a flyer in Vietnamese should refer the caller to <br />a hotline with Vietnamese-speaking workers). <br />C. Training <br />Training for front-line staff members, who are often the first points of contact with LEP <br />individuals, is provided by City Personnel. Staff training includes: <br />• Identifying and tracking language preference information of LEP persons; <br />• Delivering services effectively to LEP persons; <br />• Assuring staff sensitivity to the literacy level of LEP persons; <br />• Describing LEP services offered to the public; <br />• Procuring interpreter services; <br />• Identifying and documenting language needs of LEP persons; <br />• Processing a Title VI/LEP complaint; <br />• Familiarity with Disability Awareness, Ethics, Civil Rights and Conflict <br />Management issues. <br />This LEP plan will be distributed to all staff assigned at public counters. <br />D. Providing Notice to LEP Persons <br />Notice of language assistance services will be accomplished as follows: <br />• Signs to be posted in the entry areas regarding the availability of services and <br />that they are free of charge. <br />• Website, documents, and brochures will be offered or printed in alternative <br />languages and will include that, language services are available and are free of <br />charge. <br />15 <br />25B-55 <br />I?